Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 18 66.6

line true false branch
45 0 9 if $file->name =~ m[^corpus/]u
47 0 9 if $file->name =~ /\.t$/iu
48 9 0 if $file->name =~ /\.(?:pm|pl)$/iu
49 0 0 if $file->content =~ /^#!(?:.*)perl(?:$|\s)/u
60 1 8 unless my $package_stmts = $document->find("PPI::Statement::Package")
62 3 5 if ($self->document_assigns_to_variable($document, "\$DIST"))
72 1 8 if ($seen_pkg{$package}++)
77 1 7 if ($stmt->content =~ /package\s*\n\s*\Q$package\E/u)
99 0 7 unless $stmt->add_element("PPI::Token::Whitespace"->new("\n")) and $stmt->insert_after($children[0]->clone) and $stmt->insert_after("PPI::Token::Whitespace"->new("\n"))