Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 52 68 76.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
92 1 1 4 defined $author and defined $repo
103 1 1 4 defined $author and defined $repo
129 0 2 0 -e $file and $changes_date_count
198 2 4 3 defined $os and ref $os ne "ARRAY"
243 4 0 15 -e $file and -f $file
313 4 0 2 defined $copyright and $copyright =~ /^\d{4}$/
338 2 0 1 $args{'user'} and $args{'password'}
579 2 7 5 defined $version and $version =~ /^-/
1021 1 1 4 defined $module and defined $author
1 1 3 defined $module and defined $author and defined $email

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
96 3 1 $makefile //= "Makefile.PL"
107 3 1 $makefile //= "Makefile.PL"
116 1 1 $file //= "Changes"
142 1 0 $file //= "Changes"
158 1 0 $file //= "Changes"
185 7 0 $fs_entry //= "lib/"
276 1 0 $fs_entry //= "."
303 2 0 $fs_entry //= "."
361 1 1 $dir //= "."
447 1 1 $dir //= "."
458 1 1 $dir //= "./t"
585 10 4 $fs_entry //= "lib/"
659 5 0 $fs_entry //= "lib/"
713 0 6 my $ci_file //= ".github/workflows/github_ci_default.yml"
958 21 0 $fs_entry //= "lib/"
1069 2 0 $fs_entry //= "."

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
332 0 1 2 $args{'user'} //= $args{'cpan_id'}
333 0 1 2 $args{'password'} //= $args{'cpan_pw'}