Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 36 41.6

line true false branch
44 0 0 if ($options{'nossl'})
70 0 1 if (length $decoded_address != 21 or $decoded_address[0] ne "\036" and not $testnet or $decoded_address[0] ne 'o' and $testnet)
80 0 1 if (length $decoded_signature != 65)
86 0 1 if ($recovery_flags < 0 or $recovery_flags > 7)
109 0 1 unless ($pubkey)
118 1 0 if ($is_compressed) { }
119 1 0 _is_bignum_even($point->y) ? :
132 0 1 if ($testnet) { }
158 2 0 if ($chr ne '1')
161 0 0 if ($testnet) { }
175 1 1 if ($exp_check_sum ne $checksum)
185 1 0 if ($i < 253) { }
0 0 elsif ($i <= 65535) { }
0 0 elsif ($i <= 4294967295) { }
238 0 1 if ($is_second_key) { }
252 0 1 if ($is_bignum_even == $is_y_even) { }
275 1 0 $q_k->verifies($e, $signature) ? :
281 0 1 if ($exponent < 0)