Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 22 0.0

line true false branch
14 0 0 if (defined $b and ref $b eq 'HASH')
15 0 0 if exists $$b{'k'}
16 0 0 if exists $$b{'random_seed'}
17 0 0 if exists $$b{'hash_seeds'}
18 0 0 if exists $$b{'b'}
20 0 0 unless defined $b and ref $b ne 'HASH' and $b > 0
21 0 0 unless defined $k and $k > 0
23 0 0 unless (defined $hash_seeds and ref $hash_seeds eq 'ARRAY' and $#$hash_seeds + 1 >= $k)
65 0 0 if (defined $min_hash_val) { }
66 0 0 if $min_hash_val > $varies
104 0 0 unless (exists $hash{$e})