Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 33 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
62 0 0 0 not exists $opts{'compiled'} and UNIVERSAL::isa($sources, 'ARRAY')
0 0 0 not exists $opts{'compiled'} and UNIVERSAL::isa($sources, 'ARRAY') and @$sources == 1
0 0 0 not exists $opts{'compiled'} and UNIVERSAL::isa($sources, 'ARRAY') and @$sources == 1 and not $opts{'list'}
0 0 0 not exists $opts{'compiled'} and UNIVERSAL::isa($sources, 'ARRAY') and @$sources == 1 and not $opts{'list'} and -e "$sources->[0]/header.json"
100 0 0 0 ref $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0]{'dclass'}, 'DiaColloDB::Document')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
82 0 0 $_ // ''
104 0 0 $corpus->{'dclass'} || 'DDCTabs'
164 0 0 $corpus->{'dopts'} // {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
35 0 0 0 ref $that || $that
62 0 0 0 $opts{'compiled'} or not exists $opts{'compiled'} and UNIVERSAL::isa($sources, 'ARRAY') and @$sources == 1 and not $opts{'list'} and -e "$sources->[0]/header.json"
154 0 0 0 $_[1] // $_[0]{'cur'}
162 0 0 0 $pos //= $corpus->{'cur'}