Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 10 42 23.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
78 0 3 0 @params == 1 and not ref $params[0]
113 1 0 2 $self->lines->[$i] =~ /^%:/ and $i + 1 < @{$self->lines;}
1 0 2 $self->lines->[$i] =~ /^%:/ and $i + 1 < @{$self->lines;} and $self->lines->[$i + 1] =~ /^\tdh .*\$\@/
237 0 0 0 $i < @$lines and $lines->[$i] eq ''
0 0 0 $i < @$lines and $lines->[$i] eq '' and $$lines[$i - 1] eq ''
248 8 0 0 $lines->[$i] eq '' and $$lines[$i + 1] eq 'override_dh_auto_configure: $(QUILT_STAMPFN)'
8 0 0 $lines->[$i] eq '' and $$lines[$i + 1] eq 'override_dh_auto_configure: $(QUILT_STAMPFN)' and $$lines[$i + 2] eq "\tdh_auto_configure"
0 0 0 $lines->[$i] eq '' and $$lines[$i + 1] eq 'override_dh_auto_configure: $(QUILT_STAMPFN)' and $$lines[$i + 2] eq "\tdh_auto_configure" and $$lines[$i + 3] eq ''
274 8 0 0 $lines->[$i] eq 'override_dh_auto_clean: unpatch' and $$lines[$i + 1] eq "\tdh_auto_clean"
8 0 0 $lines->[$i] eq 'override_dh_auto_clean: unpatch' and $$lines[$i + 1] eq "\tdh_auto_clean" and $i + 2 > $#$lines || !($$lines[$i + 2] =~ /^\t/)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
83 0 3 0 $self->filename or $self->lines
274 0 0 0 $i + 2 > $#$lines || !($$lines[$i + 2] =~ /^\t/)
327 0 0 0 shift() // $self->filename
355 0 0 0 shift() // $self->filename