Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 30 50.0

line true false branch
30 4 0 if ($device)
34 0 4 unless CORE::open $$self{'_fh'}, $$self{'device'}
43 0 0 if ($$self{'_fh'})
44 0 0 unless CORE::close $$self{'_fh'}
52 0 16 unless ($$self{'_fh'})
56 16 0 defined $wait ? :
0 16 unless $$self{'_select'}->can_read(defined $wait ? $wait : 1)
57 0 16 if (read($$self{'_fh'}, $str, 8) != 8)
65 4 12 if ($s[0] == 1 and $s[1] == 0)
66 4 0 if ($$self{'buttons'}[$s[2]])
72 12 4 if ($s[0] == 2 and $s[1] == 0)
74 12 0 if ($$self{'events'}[$s[2]])
84 0 16 unless my $type = ref $self
90 0 16 if $AUTOLOAD =~ /::DESTROY$/
92 0 16 unless (exists $$self{$name})