Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 33 38 86.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
32 1 1 3 ref $unit and $unit->isa('Device::Modbus::Unit')
84 1 2 2 $code == 5 and $value != 65280
3 1 1 $code == 5 and $value != 65280 and $value != 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
238 3 4 $adu->message->{'values'} // [$adu->message->{'value'}]

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
71 4 4 29 $code == 1 or $code == 2
8 4 25 $code == 1 or $code == 2 or $code == 3
8 4 21 $code == 1 or $code == 2 or $code == 3 or $code == 4
4 1 16 $code == 5 or $code == 6
237 6 0 1 $adu->message->{'address'} // $adu->message->{'write_address'}
272 0 1 2 $code == 5 or $code == 6
0 1 1 $code == 15 or $code == 16
301 8 0 1 $adu->message->{'address'} // $adu->message->{'write_address'}
302 8 0 1 $adu->message->{'quantity'} // $adu->message->{'read_quantity'}