Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 40 0.0

line true false branch
155 0 0 unless defined $part
161 0 0 $partinfo->has_efuse ? :
289 0 0 $_ < 8 ? :
300 0 0 if (shift())->{$SDO}
315 0 0 unless $count--
318 0 0 unless $_[0]->failure
483 0 0 unless my $sii = $SII_FOR_FUSE_READ{$fuse}
485 0 0 if $fuse eq 'efuse' and not $$self{'partinfo'}->has_efuse
510 0 0 unless my $sii = $SII_FOR_FUSE_WRITE{$fuse}
512 0 0 if $fuse eq 'efuse' and not $$self{'part'}->has_efuse
581 0 0 unless my $partinfo = $$self{'partinfo'}
584 0 0 $opts{'stop'} // $opts{'bytes'} ? :
598 0 0 $cur_ahi == $ahi ? :
623 0 0 unless my $partinfo = $$self{'partinfo'}
626 0 0 if length $bytes > $partinfo->flash_words * 2
700 0 0 unless my $partinfo = $$self{'partinfo'}
703 0 0 $opts{'stop'} // $opts{'bytes'} ? :
717 0 0 $cur_ahi == $ahi ? :
739 0 0 unless my $partinfo = $$self{'partinfo'}
741 0 0 if length $bytes > $partinfo->eeprom_words