Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 22 86.3

line true false branch
16 0 16 unless $response->{'stack_trace'}
33 0 15 if (defined $first and &blessed($first) and $subroutine =~ /^$first_class::/ and $subroutine =~ /^$package/) { }
0 15 elsif (defined $first and &blessed($first) and $subroutine =~ /^$first_class::/) { }
11 4 elsif ($subroutine =~ s/^$package:://) { }
1 3 elsif (defined $first and $subroutine_class eq $first) { }
59 3 37 if (not defined $arg) { }
1 36 elsif (ref $arg eq 'ARRAY') { }
1 35 elsif (ref $arg eq 'HASH') { }
10 25 elsif (ref $arg) { }
14 11 elsif ($arg =~ /^-?[\d.]+$/) { }
2 9 elsif ($arg =~ /^[\w:]*$/) { }