Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 51 90 56.6

line true false branch
54 2 72 unless $num < scalar @signame
64 69 885 if 0 == index($uname, 'SIG')
65 949 5 if exists $signo{$uname}
78 4 283 unless (defined $signum)
80 3 1 if ($name_num =~ /^[+-]?[0-9]+$/) { }
82 1 2 unless defined $signame
90 1 282 if 0 == index($signame, 'SIG')
162 4 0 unless (defined $ignore_list)
202 8 264 if $signame eq 'CHLD' or $signame eq 'CLD'
220 0 272 unless defined $signame
221 8 264 if exists $FATAL_SIGNALS{$signame}
233 56 208 if (exists $self->{'ignore_list'}{$signame}) { }
263 264 8 if (not defined $current_handler or defined $sig->{'handle'} and $current_handler ne $sig->{'handle'})
267 78 186 if defined $current_handler
270 256 8 if (exists $sig->{'handle'})
283 0 0 unless $self->check_and_adjust_sighandler($signame)
292 0 0 exists $SIGNAL_DESCRIPTION{$signame} ? :
295 0 0 if (exists $self->{'sigs'}{$signame}) { }
317 0 0 if 0 == scalar @args
321 0 0 if (defined $canonic_signame) { }
334 0 8 unless (defined $arg)
340 0 8 unless defined $signame
342 0 8 if (scalar @args == 0)
349 0 8 if exists $FATAL_SIGNALS{$signame}
351 0 8 unless (exists $self->{'sigs'}{$signame})
352 0 0 unless $self->initialize_handler($signame)
358 20 12 if (0 == index($attr, 'no'))
362 8 24 if (0 == index($attr, 'stop')) { }
8 16 elsif (0 == index($attr, 'print')) { }
8 8 elsif (0 == index($attr, 'pass')) { }
0 8 elsif (0 == index($attr, 'ignore')) { }
8 0 elsif (0 == index($attr, 'stack')) { }
396 4 4 if ($set_stop) { }
413 4 4 if ($set_pass)
431 4 4 if ($set_print) { }
456 0 264 unless defined $print_stack
457 0 264 unless defined $pass_along
479 0 0 if (exists $self->{'print_fn'} and $self->{'print_fn'})
493 0 0 if ($self->{'b_stop'})
497 0 0 if ($self->{'pass_along'})
499 0 0 if ($self->{'old_handler'}) { }
500 0 0 if (ref $self->{'old_handler'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'old_handler'}) { }
503 0 0 if $@ and $^W
507 0 0 if ($signame eq 'TSTP') { }