Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 92 0.0

line true false branch
40 0 0 if ($single or $signal)
41 0 0 if $single & 4
48 0 0 if ($ENV{'PERL5DB_THREADED'})
61 0 0 if ($entry =~ /^(.*)\:(\d+)-(\d+)$/)
76 0 0 unless $disp and $disp->enabled
86 0 0 if (defined $eval_result) { }
94 0 0 if (1 == $after_eval) { }
0 0 elsif (2 == $after_eval) { }
103 0 0 if ($running == 2 and defined $eval_str)
109 0 0 unless defined $return_type
114 0 0 if ('@' eq $return_type) { }
0 0 elsif ('%' eq $return_type) { }
123 0 0 if ($nest) { }
139 0 0 if ($brkpts)
143 0 0 unless defined $brkpt
144 0 0 if ($brkpt->type eq 'action')
149 0 0 if ($brkpt->condition eq '1') { }
162 0 0 if ($stop and $brkpt->enabled and not $single & 32)
165 0 0 if ($event eq 'tbrkpt') { }
197 0 0 if $#stack == $deep
214 0 0 if $ENV{'PERL5DB_THREADED'}
220 0 0 if ($sub eq 'threads::new' and $ENV{'PERL5DB_THREADED'})
226 0 0 if (length $sub > 10 and substr($sub, -10, 10) eq '::AUTOLOAD')
228 0 0 if defined $$sub
238 0 0 if (defined $running and $running == 1)
253 0 0 if ($sub eq 'DESTROY' or substr($sub, -9) eq '::DESTROY' or not defined wantarray) { }
0 0 elsif (wantarray) { }
272 0 0 if ($stack[$stack_depth])
274 0 0 if ($single & 32)
287 0 0 if (defined wantarray) { }
300 0 0 if $stack[$stack_depth]
301 0 0 if ($single & 32)
302 0 0 defined $ret ? :
325 0 0 if $ENV{'PERL5DB_THREADED'}
331 0 0 if ($sub =~ /^threads::new$/ and $ENV{'PERL5DB_THREADED'})
337 0 0 if (length $sub > 10 and substr($sub, -10, 10) eq '::AUTOLOAD')
338 0 0 if defined $$sub
355 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
366 0 0 if ($single & 32)
378 0 0 if (defined wantarray) { }
390 0 0 if $stack[$stack_depth]
391 0 0 if ($single & 32)
392 0 0 defined $ret ? :
409 0 0 if (@_)
413 0 0 unless $name
415 0 0 if exists $sub{$name}