Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 36 69.4

line true false branch
16 0 2 unless @PATHS
27 7 13 if $DEBUG and -d $_
28 0 20 if (-d $_ and /^(t|CVS|\.svn|\.git|skel|_build)$/)
29 0 0 if $DEBUG
33 0 20 if (-d $_ and -e "$File::Find::name/INC.SKIP")
34 0 0 if $DEBUG
39 2 18 if (-d $_ and $_ eq 'lib')
43 12 6 unless -f $_ and /\.pm$/
44 6 0 if ($File::Find::name =~ m[.*/(?:lib|blib/(?:lib|arch))/(.*)])
51 1 1 if $DEBUG
59 9 3 unless (exists $cache{$file})
60 4 5 if $DEBUG
64 1 2 if $DEBUG
65 3 0 if (open my $fh, '<', $cache{$file})
69 0 0 if $DEBUG
83 1 3 if ($path eq '-debug')
87 1 2 if ($path eq '-clear')
99 1 1 if $DEBUG