Branch Coverage
Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 62 66.1

line true false branch
191 0 2 if $DEBUG
192 0 2 if $DEBUG
200 0 2 if ($syntax_check)
253 0 6 unless $new_name and $old_name
255 0 6 if $DEBUG
257 2 4 if (-f $where) { }
4 0 elsif (-d $where) { }
267 6 0 %$found ? :
418 0 36 if (ref $args eq 'HASH') { }
2 34 elsif (ref $args eq 'ARRAY') { }
455 2 10 if ($hint =~ /^{/) { }
0 10 elsif ($hint =~ /^\[>/) { }
6 4 elsif ($var =~ /^\@/) { }
0 4 elsif ($var =~ /^\%/) { }
485 0 4 if ($var =~ /(?:\$\d+$|\$[ab]$)/) { }
4 0 elsif ($$self{'code_snippet'} =~ /$reg|$reg2/) { }
490 2 2 if ($$self{'code_snippet'} =~ /$reg3/)
500 2 2 if ($$self{'code_snippet'} =~ /$reg|$reg2/)
510 2 0 if ($$self{'code_snippet'} =~ /$reg|$reg2/)
530 0 0 if ($@)
537 0 0 if ($err =~ /line\s(\d+)/)
558 0 4 if (not defined $$self{'local_scalars'}{$parm}) { }
562 2 2 if grep(($parm eq $_), keys %{$$self{'loop_scalars'};})
563 2 0 unless ($parm =~ /\$\d+$/)
572 2 2 if (not defined $$self{'local_arrays'}{$parm}) { }
592 0 2 if (not defined $$self{'local_hashes'}{$parm}) { }
655 46 258 if (/$regex1/o or /$regex2/o)
664 12 0 @lines ? :
673 32 6 if $_ ne '.'
678 10 16 if (-f $file and $self->is_perlfile($file))
681 2 24 if (-d $file and $depth >= 0)