Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 54 83 65.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
131 136 0 0 $tool_class->can("AUTOLOAD_TOOL") and $tool_class->AUTOLOAD_TOOL($self)
281 3370 5 10 $elide_sym and $name = $sv->symname
3375 0 10 $elide_sym and $name = $sv->symname and not $name =~ /^&.*::__ANON__$/u
5 9 1 $elide_sym and $name = $sv->symname and not $name =~ /^&.*::__ANON__$/u and $foundsv = eval { do { $self->find_symbol($sv->symname) } }
9 0 1 $elide_sym and $name = $sv->symname and not $name =~ /^&.*::__ANON__$/u and $foundsv = eval { do { $self->find_symbol($sv->symname) } } and $foundsv->addr == $sv->addr
290 3370 14 0 $elide_sym and $sv->type eq "GLOB"
3384 0 0 $elide_sym and $sv->type eq "GLOB" and $name = $sv->stashname
303 3382 1 1 not @inrefs and $opts{'strong'}
306 3382 1 1 not @inrefs and $opts{'direct'}
312 2 18 4 $_->sv and $_->sv->type eq "REF"
20 0 4 $_->sv and $_->sv->type eq "REF" and $_->name eq "the referrant"
333 2 21 1 $_->sv and $_->sv->type eq "PAD"
355 22 8439 1679 defined $opts{'depth'} and not $opts{'depth'}
402 19 11 0 $sigil eq "&" and $stashvalue->type eq "REF"
443 35 1 14 defined $parent and length $parent
522 11 0 6 $col == $cols - 1 and $leftalign[$col]
588 2236971 0 0 $opts{'stash'} and $strval =~ /^([\x00-\x1f])([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)$/u

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
339 1 0 $cv->depth || 1
504 25 0 length $_->[$colidx] // 0
507 1 5 $opts{'align'} // ""
510 1 5 $opts{'sep'} // " "
513 15 2 $align->[$_] // ""
518 1 5 $opts{'indent'} // 0
602 0 0 $opts{'maxlen'} // 64

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
133 0 0 0 $self->{'tools'}{$name} ||= $tool_class->new($self)
157 3384 5 0 $self->{'tools'}{$name} ||= $tool_class->new($self, %args)
165 0 0 0 $self->{'tools_by_command'}{$cmd} ||= do { die "Unrecognised command '${cmd}'\n" unless my $name = &first(sub { my $class = "Devel::MAT::Tool::$_"; $class->CMD eq $cmd if $class->can("CMD"); } , $self->available_tools); $self->load_tool($name, %args) }
261 3383 2 0 $opts{'graph'} //= "Devel::MAT::Graph"->new($self->dumpfile)
473 15 0 0 $gv->hash || croak("$name has no hash")
656 0 0 0 $sv->nv // $sv->uv