Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 71 156 45.5

line true false branch
124 3389 4 if $TOOLS_LOADED
131 136 0 unless $tool_class->can("AUTOLOAD_TOOL") and $tool_class->AUTOLOAD_TOOL($self)
168 0 0 if $class->can("CMD")
169 0 0 unless my $name = &first(sub { my $class = "Devel::MAT::Tool::$_"; $class->CMD eq $cmd if $class->can("CMD"); } , $self->available_tools)
270 0 3385 if ($sv->immortal)
271 0 0 $sv->uv ? :
0 0 $sv->type eq 'UNDEF' ? :
281 1 9 if ($elide_sym and $name = $sv->symname and not $name =~ /^&.*::__ANON__$/u and $foundsv = eval { do { $self->find_symbol($sv->symname) } } and $foundsv->addr == $sv->addr)
290 0 14 if ($elide_sym and $sv->type eq "GLOB" and $name = $sv->stashname)
299 0 3370 $opts{'direct'} ? :
14 3370 $opts{'strong'} ? :
303 1 1 if (not @inrefs and $opts{'strong'})
306 1 1 if (not @inrefs and $opts{'direct'})
310 14 3370 if ($elide_rv)
312 18 4 unless $_->sv and $_->sv->type eq "REF" and $_->name eq "the referrant"
318 0 0 $opts{'direct'} ? :
4 0 $opts{'strong'} ? :
321 0 4 unless @rvrefs == 1
331 14 3370 if ($elide_pad)
333 23 1 unless $_->sv and $_->sv->type eq "PAD"
344 0 3384 if ($sv->is_mortal)
350 4 10140 unless (defined $ref->sv)
355 1679 8461 if (defined $opts{'depth'} and not $opts{'depth'})
361 5078 3383 if ($graph->has_sv($ref->sv)) { }
368 3369 14 defined $opts{'depth'} ? :
396 0 30 unless my($sigil, $globname) = $name =~ /^([\$\@%&])(.*)$/u
402 0 30 if ($sigil eq "&" and $stashvalue->type eq "REF")
406 0 30 unless $stashvalue->type eq "GLOB"
409 11 0 $sigil eq '&' ? :
2 11 $sigil eq '%' ? :
6 13 $sigil eq '@' ? :
11 19 $sigil eq '$' ? :
415 9 21 unless my $sv = $stashvalue->$slot
443 14 36 if (defined $parent and length $parent) { }
450 0 50 unless my $sv = $stash->value($shortname)
460 0 20 unless my $sv = $self->find_stashvalue($name)
461 0 20 unless $sv->type eq "GLOB"
492 1 5 if ($opts{'headings'})
497 0 6 unless @$rows
508 5 1 unless ref $align
511 6 0 unless ref $sep
520 16 1 $leftalign[$col] ? :
522 6 0 if $col == $cols - 1 and $leftalign[$col]
524 11 6 $col ? :
530 0 9 unless @row
559 0 4 if (my $blessed = $sv->blessed)
565 2 2 if (my $rootname = $sv->rootname)
586 2236971 4360530 if ($opts{'key'}) { }
4360530 0 elsif ($opts{'index'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($opts{'pv'}) { }
588 0 2236971 if ($opts{'stash'} and $strval =~ /^([\x00-\x1f])([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)$/u) { }
484132 1752839 elsif (not $strval =~ /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/u) { }
602 0 0 if (my $maxlen = $opts{'maxlen'} // 64)
603 0 0 if $truncated = length $val > $maxlen
607 0 0 $truncated ? :
629 0 0 if ($bytes < 1024)
632 0 0 if ($bytes < 1048576)
635 0 0 if ($bytes < "1073741824")
638 0 0 if ($bytes < "1099511627776")
656 0 0 if defined($num = $sv->nv // $sv->uv)
659 0 0 if defined $sv->pv
663 0 0 if @reprs > 1
665 0 0 if @reprs
668 0 0 $sv->uv ? :
672 0 0 if $sv->rv
675 0 0 if $sv->blessed
678 0 0 unless $n_elems
681 0 0 if $n_elems > 1
686 0 0 if $sv->blessed
689 0 0 unless $n_values
693 0 0 if $n_values > 1
700 0 0 if ($(Syntax::Keyword::Match/topic) eq 'SCALAR') { }
0 0 elsif ($(Syntax::Keyword::Match/topic) eq 'BOOL') { }
0 0 elsif ($(Syntax::Keyword::Match/topic) eq 'REF') { }
0 0 elsif ($(Syntax::Keyword::Match/topic) eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif ($(Syntax::Keyword::Match/topic) eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif ($(Syntax::Keyword::Match/topic) eq 'GLOB') { }
0 0 elsif ($(Syntax::Keyword::Match/topic) eq 'STASH') { }