Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 33 66 50.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
257 5425 2614 $_ and not $_->{'tool_reachable'} and $_->{'tool_reachable'} = 3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
154 37189 6845 0 defined $_ and push @more_user, $_
163 7806 0 0 $progress and $count % 1000 == 0
182 333 0 0 $progress and $count % 1000 == 0
232 24056 0 0 $padname_sv && $padname_sv->type eq 'SCALAR'
238 23427 0 0 $padname and $padname eq "&"
253 6564 24015 0 $_ and push @more_user, $_
257 5425 0 2614 $_ and not $_->{'tool_reachable'}
260 0 0 0 $_ and not $_->{'tool_reachable'}
0 0 0 $_ and not $_->{'tool_reachable'} and $_->{'tool_reachable'} = 4, push(@user, $_)
273 0 10381 22974 $_ and not $_->{'tool_reachable'}
10381 64 22910 $_ and not $_->{'tool_reachable'} and not $_->immortal
10445 22910 0 $_ and not $_->{'tool_reachable'} and not $_->immortal and $_->{'tool_reachable'} = 2, push(@user, $_)
276 0 751 25499 $_ and not $_->{'tool_reachable'}
751 0 25499 $_ and not $_->{'tool_reachable'} and not $_->immortal
751 25499 0 $_ and not $_->{'tool_reachable'} and not $_->immortal and $_->{'tool_reachable'} = 5, push(@internal, $_)
281 29143 0 0 $progress and $count % 1000 == 0
298 216 0 0 $progress and $count % 1000 == 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
83 0 0 $sv->{'tool_reachable'} // 0
85 0 0 $ICONS[$reach] // die("Unknown reachability value $reach")

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
167 1 332 0 $_->{'tool_reachable'} or $_->{'tool_reachable'} = 1, push(@symtab, $_)
170 747 6232 0 $_->{'tool_reachable'} or $_->{'tool_reachable'} = 2, push(@user, $_)
173 1 714 0 $_->{'tool_reachable'} or $_->{'tool_reachable'} = 5, push(@internal, $_)