Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 24 83.3

line true false branch
40 0 20 $] <= 5.009005 ? :
90 3 37 &_mro_is_universal($_[0]) ? :
123 30 25 unless exists $namespace->{$sub}
124 25 0 if ('GLOB' eq &reftype(\$namespace->{$sub}))
127 21 4 defined *{\$namespace->{$sub};}{'CODE'} ? :
172 215 763 if 'GLOB' eq $reftype and not defined *{\$namespace->{$symname};}{'CODE'}
177 763 0 'GLOB' eq $reftype ? :
214 682 14 unless (exists $methods->{$subname})
255 11 28 if (exists $namespace->{'ISA'})
257 11 0 if ('GLOB' eq &reftype($entry_ref) and defined *{$entry_ref;}{'ARRAY'} and @{*{$entry_ref;}{'ARRAY'};})
264 14 14 if &_mro_is_universal($package)
333 5 18 if exists $methods->{$subname}{'ref'}