Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 42 88.1

line true false branch
42 11 5 /^(\w+::)*\w+$/ ? :
59 8 10 unless @_
63 2 14 if ($INC{$_}) { }
69 4 10 $config->{'Devel::Hide/hidden'} ? :
73 2 8 if (@too_late)
76 4 0 if (_get_setting("verbose") and $config->{'Devel::Hide/hidden'})
90 12 4 _get_setting('verbose') ? :
124 0 1 defined $ENV{'PERL5OPT'} ? :
144 3 32 _exists_setting('lexical', $name) ? :
183 86 140 if ($type eq 'lexical') { }
184 22 64 if ($Devel::Hide::phase eq 'compile') { }
190 8 468 if ($hints_hash and grep {m[^Devel::Hide/];} keys %{$hints_hash;})
208 2 5 if ($_[0] eq '-lexically') { }
1 4 elsif ($_[0] eq '-from:children') { }
4 0 elsif ($_[0] eq '-quiet') { }
210 0 2 if ($] < "5.01")
222 8 4 if (@_)
227 1 7 if (_get_setting("children"))
228 0 1 _get_setting('verbose') ? :
240 1 9 if (not @Devel::Hide::HIDDEN and $ENV{'DEVEL_HIDE_PM'}) { }
257 16 28 if (_is_hidden($filename)) { }