Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 82 94 87.2

line true false branch
27 57 0 if (not defined &Devel::Examine::Subs::Engine::trace)
34 5 190 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
45 7 192 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
66 3 187 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
71 187 2 if (exists $self->{'engines'}{$string}) { }
80 2 3 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
83 0 4 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
89 2 88 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
93 0 88 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
111 3 43 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
115 1 43 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
120 0 44 unless $struct
131 2 11 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
135 0 11 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
143 1 10 if ($search and not $p->{'regex'})
147 2 9 unless $search
158 477 18 if $_
161 32 445 if /$search/
69 30 unless (grep {$_ if /$search/;} @clean)
171 2 7 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
175 0 7 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
197 2 18 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
203 0 18 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
209 0 18 unless ref $struct eq 'ARRAY'
222 69 105 if ($p->{'objects_in_hash'}) { }
230 10 8 if ($p->{'objects_in_hash'}) { }
240 2 6 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
244 0 6 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
254 5 1 if ($p->{'file_contents'})
258 1 5 unless ($file)
265 2 3 if (not $exec or ref $exec ne 'CODE')
285 885 195 if ($line_num < $start_line)
288 30 165 if ($line_num > $end_line)
296 15 150 if ($replaced)
309 2 10 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
313 0 10 if $ENV{'TRACE'}
320 1 9 if ($search and not $p->{'regex'})
326 1 9 unless ($search)
331 1 8 unless ($code)
361 10 10 defined $p->{'injects'} ? :
376 670 84 if ($line_num < $start_line)
379 1 83 if ($line_num > $end_line)
383 24 59 if ($line =~ /$search/ and not $new_lines)
389 24 0 unless ($p->{'no_indent'})
390 24 0 if ($line =~ /^(\s+)/ and $1)
403 19 5 if ($num_injects == 0)
408 5 59 if $new_lines != 0