Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 131 254 51.5

line true false branch
25 0 16 if (defined $ENV{'DUMPTRACE'})
26 0 0 $ENV{'DUMPTRACE'} =~ /;/ ? :
39 16 0 if (defined ${^GLOBAL_PHASE}) { }
40 0 0 if ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq 'DESTRUCT'
155 11 21 if (grep {$_ eq ':test';} @args)
172 0 32 if (@args > 0)
181 0 0 if &__inGD()
182 0 0 unless $TRACE
189 0 0 if ($DB::single < 2)
190 0 0 if _exclude_pkg($f, $p, $l)
191 0 0 if _display_style() == 0
207 0 0 unless (defined $sources{$file})
213 0 0 if ($@)
220 0 0 if (open my $grrrrr, '<', $file)
234 0 0 if $INCLUDE_PKG{$pkg} or $INCLUDE_PKG{$file}
236 0 0 if ($pkg =~ /$_/)
242 0 0 if $EXCLUDE_PKG{$pkg} or $EXCLUDE_PKG{$file}
244 0 0 if ($pkg =~ /$_/)
245 0 0 if $pkg =~ /$_/
248 0 0 if _package_style() > 0
252 0 0 if (index($inc, '/') >= 0 and index($file, $inc) == 0)
263 4 12 if $TRACE eq 'default'
327 0 11 if ($target_depth < 0)
332 0 11 if ($n < 0)
342 0 11 unless (eval { do { $PAD_MY = PadWalker::peek_my($n + 1); $PAD_OUR = PadWalker::peek_our($n + 1); 1 } })
361 0 0 if &__inGD()
364 0 0 if ($current >= $target)
390 0 0 if ($last_dumptrace and $dt eq $last_dumptrace)
396 0 0 if ($DUMPTRACE_COLOR)
401 0 0 if our $LOCKOBJ
409 0 0 if ($style > 1)
417 0 0 if ($code =~ m[[-+*/&|^.%]?=[^=>]] or $code =~ m[[\b*&|/<>]{2}=\b]) { }
422 0 0 if ($style < 4) { }
439 0 0 if ("$expr1$expr2" ne $code)
440 0 0 if ($style >= 4)
457 0 0 if ($code =~ /^ \s* (my|our) \s* [\$\@%*\(] /x and $code =~ / (?
471 0 0 if ($style >= 4) { }
0 0 elsif ($style == 1) { }
472 0 0 if ($xcode ne $code)
484 0 0 if $SEPARATOR_USED++
501 69 1159 unless defined $scalar
502 42 1117 if (ref $scalar)
503 1 41 if ($_dump_scalar_seen{$scalar})
508 22 19 if (&Scalar::Util::reftype($scalar) eq 'ARRAY') { }
11 8 elsif (&Scalar::Util::reftype($scalar) eq 'HASH') { }
0 8 elsif (&Scalar::Util::reftype($scalar) eq 'GLOB') { }
520 464 653 if (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($scalar))
525 4 649 if (ref \$scalar eq 'GLOB')
529 1 648 if ($qq ne $scalar)
537 1113 0 if (_abbrev_style() >= 4)
540 0 0 if (_abbrev_style() > 1) { }
557 0 649 if $bytes > length $_
558 648 1 unless m([^ !"\#\$%&'()*+,\-./0-9:;<=>?\@A-Z[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~])
568 0 1 if ($high eq 'iso8859') { }
0 1 elsif ($high eq 'utf8') { }
0 1 elsif ($high eq '8bit') { }
589 1 81 unless defined $hashref
590 0 81 unless $SMART_ABBREV
591 22 59 ref $hashref && ref $hashref ne 'HASH' ? :
593 0 0 _abbrev_style() > 1 ? :
0 81 _abbrev_style() < 4 ? :
604 0 81 if ((&Scalar::Util::reftype($hashref) || '') ne 'HASH')
609 0 81 if (@keys == 0 and 'Devel::DumpTrace::CachedDisplayedHash'->is($hashref)) { }
0 81 elsif (not tied %{$hashref;} and @keys == 0 and not __hashref_is_symbol_table($hashref) and 100 < scalar &safekeys(\%$hashref)) { }
613 0 0 if (defined $result)
637 0 81 if (_abbrev_style() < 4) { }
651 0 81 if (@keys == 0 and 'Devel::DumpTrace::CachedDisplayedHash'->is($hashref))
655 0 81 unless (defined $HASH_PAIR_SEPARATOR)
662 860 0 defined $_ ? :
667 2 79 $Devel::DumpTrace::HASHREPR_SORT ? :
686 1 93 unless defined $arrayref
687 0 93 unless $SMART_ABBREV
688 21 72 ref $arrayref && ref $arrayref ne 'ARRAY' ? :
690 0 0 _abbrev_style() > 1 ? :
0 93 _abbrev_style() < 4 ? :
700 0 93 if (@keys == 0 and 'Devel::DumpTrace::CachedDisplayedArray'->is($arrayref)) { }
0 93 elsif (@keys == 0 and not tied @{$arrayref;} and 100 < scalar @{$arrayref;}) { }
704 0 0 if (defined $result)
713 0 0 unless (eval { do { tie @{$arrayref;}, 'Devel::DumpTrace::CachedDisplayedArray', @{$arrayref;}; $array = tied(@{$arrayref;})->{'PARRAY'} } })
721 0 93 if ($maxlen > 0) { }
727 0 93 if (@keys == 0 and 'Devel::DumpTrace::CachedDisplayedArray'->is($arrayref))
739 0 16 if _display_style() > 1
748 0 0 if (defined $deferred)
758 0 0 if ($deferred->{'DISPLAY_FILE_AND_LINE'})
763 0 0 if (defined $line) { }
848 8 0 if ($i >= 0)
851 0 8 if @y == 0
875 10 183 if ($ALWAYS_MAIN{$varname} or $varname =~ /^\d+$/)
879 15 178 if ($varname =~ /::/ or $pkg eq '::')
883 42 151 if ($deref_op)
887 14 28 if (defined $Devel::DumpTrace::PAD_MY->{$sigvar}) { }
14 14 elsif (defined $Devel::DumpTrace::PAD_OUR->{$sigvar}) { }
0 14 elsif (defined $Devel::DumpTrace::PAD_MY->{'__STALE__'}{$sigvar}) { }
0 14 elsif (defined $Devel::DumpTrace::PAD_OUR->{'__STALE__'}{$sigvar}) { }
898 12 30 if ($index_op eq '[')
901 12 18 if ($index_op eq '{')
906 0 18 if (not defined $reftype or $reftype eq '') { }
6 12 elsif ($reftype eq 'HASH') { }
6 6 elsif ($reftype eq 'ARRAY') { }
917 25 126 if ($index_op eq '{')
920 7 18 if (defined $Devel::DumpTrace::PAD_MY->{$sigvar}) { }
7 11 elsif (defined $Devel::DumpTrace::PAD_OUR->{$sigvar}) { }
929 21 105 if ($sigil eq '@')
933 2 19 if ($varname eq '_') { }
8 11 elsif (defined $Devel::DumpTrace::PAD_MY->{$sigvar}) { }
4 7 elsif (defined $Devel::DumpTrace::PAD_OUR->{$sigvar}) { }
951 0 7 unless (defined $v)
957 8 13 if ($index_op eq '[')
962 19 86 if ($sigil eq '%')
965 5 14 if (defined $Devel::DumpTrace::PAD_MY->{$sigvar}) { }
5 9 elsif (defined $Devel::DumpTrace::PAD_OUR->{$sigvar}) { }
974 86 0 if ($sigil eq '$')
975 23 63 if ($index_op eq '[') { }
7 56 elsif ($varname =~ /^\d+$/) { }
978 6 17 if ($varname eq '_') { }
6 11 elsif (defined $Devel::DumpTrace::PAD_MY->{$sigvar}) { }
4 7 elsif (defined $Devel::DumpTrace::PAD_OUR->{$sigvar}) { }
987 0 7 unless (defined $v)
1002 2 54 if ($varname eq '_')
1007 24 32 if (defined $Devel::DumpTrace::PAD_MY->{$sigvar}) { }
12 20 elsif (defined $Devel::DumpTrace::PAD_OUR->{$sigvar}) { }
1044 0 15 if ($INC{''})
1058 16 0 unless $_THREADS and 'threads'->tid
1090 0 36 unless defined $value
1099 0 36 unless ($style =~ /^\d+$/)
1104 2 34 if (defined $package)
1107 2 0 if ($package)