Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 26 100.0

line true false branch
109 24 25 if ($class eq 'Devel::Deprecations::Environmental') { }
113 16 10 ref $args[0] ? :
121 1 25 unless $plugin->isa("Devel::Deprecations::Environmental")
123 1 25 unless $plugin->can("reason")
125 1 25 unless $plugin->can("is_deprecated")
129 1 25 if @errors
140 21 18 &blessed($args->{$_}) ? :
153 3 51 if (exists $_froms{$pair->[0]} and exists $_froms{$pair->[1]} and not $_froms{$pair->[0]} < $_froms{$pair->[1]})
161 16 4 if ($class->is_deprecated($args))
164 2 14 if ($_froms{'fatal_from'} and $_froms{'fatal_from'} < $now) { }
2 12 elsif ($_froms{'unsupported_from'} and $_froms{'unsupported_from'} < $now) { }
10 2 elsif ($_froms{'warn_from'} < $now) { }
200 1 9 $args{'date'} ? :