Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 2 310 0.6

line true false branch
4 1 0 if (my($sub_version) = $] =~ /^5.008(.*)/ || $] eq '5.009001') { }
11 1 0 if ($sub_version + 0 <= 5) { }
34 0 0 if ($single and not $second_time++)
37 0 0 if ($runnonstop) { }
0 0 elsif ($ImmediateStop) { }
63 0 0 if $single or $signal
88 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MacOS' and $#dbline < 0)
97 0 0 if ($dbline{$line} and ($stop, $action) = split(/\0/, $dbline{$line}, 3))
102 0 0 if ($stop eq '1') { }
0 0 elsif ($stop) { }
120 0 0 if ($trace & 2)
128 0 0 defined $val ? :
131 0 0 if ($val ne $old_watch[$n])
148 0 0 if ($trace & 4)
150 0 0 if watchfunction($package, $filename, $line) and not $single and not $was_signal and not $trace & 18446744073709551611
163 0 0 if ($single or $trace & 1 or $was_signal)
166 0 0 if ($slave_editor) { }
0 0 elsif ($package eq 'DB::fake') { }
176 0 0 unless $term
199 0 0 $sub =~ /::/ ? :
201 0 0 $dbline[$line] =~ /\n$/ ? :
204 0 0 if (length $prefix > 30) { }
215 0 0 if ($frame) { }
229 0 0 if $dbline[$i] =~ /^\s*[\;\}\#\n]/
232 0 0 if $signal
236 0 0 $dbline[$i] =~ /\n$/ ? :
241 0 0 if ($frame) { }
256 0 0 if $action
260 0 0 if ($single or $was_signal)
271 0 0 if $single & 4
317 0 0 if ($cmd =~ s/\\$/\n/)
323 0 0 if $cmd =~ /^$/
325 0 0 if length $cmd > 1
337 0 0 if ($alias{$i})
349 0 0 if ($@)
362 0 0 unless $cmd =~ /^$do\s*/
363 0 0 if $commands{$do}($cmd)
367 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^q$/)
373 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^t$/)
376 0 0 $trace & 1 ? :
381 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^S(\s+(!)?(.+))?$/)
396 0 0 if ($Snocheck or $Srev ^ $subname =~ /$Spatt/)
409 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^V$/)
414 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^V\b\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)/)
426 0 0 unless defined &main::dumpvar
427 0 0 if (defined &main::dumpvar) { }
437 0 0 defined $option{'dumpDepth'} ? :
448 0 0 if ($@)
449 0 0 unless $@ =~ /dumpvar print failed/
463 0 0 if ($cmd =~ s/^x\b/ /)
468 0 0 if ($cmd =~ s/^\s*(\d+)(?=\s)/ /)
473 0 0 if ($cmd =~ s/^m\s+([\w:]+)\s*$/ /)
479 0 0 if ($cmd =~ s/^m\b/ /)
483 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^f\b\s*(.*)/)
488 0 0 unless ($file)
496 0 0 unless (defined $main::main::{'_<' . $file})
497 0 0 if (($try) = grep(/^_<.*$file/, keys %main::main::))
507 0 0 if (not defined $main::main::{'_<' . $file}) { }
0 0 elsif ($file ne $filename) { }
529 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^\.$/)
544 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^-$/)
548 0 0 if $start <= 0
557 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^([aAbBhilLMoOPvwW]\b|[<>\{]{1,2})\s*(.*)/so)
563 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^y(?:\s+(\d*)\s*(.*))?$/)
566 0 0 $@ =~ /locate/ ? :
0 0 unless eval { do { require PadWalker; 'PadWalker'->VERSION(0.08) } }
575 0 0 unless defined &main::dumpvar
576 0 0 unless defined &main::dumpvar
587 0 0 if $@
596 0 0 defined $option{'dumpDepth'} ? :
602 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^n$/)
603 0 0 if $finished and $level <= 1
614 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^s$/)
618 0 0 if $finished and $level <= 1
630 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^c\b\s*([\w:]*)\s*$/)
634 0 0 if $finished and $level <= 1
650 0 0 if ($subname =~ /\D/)
653 0 0 unless $subname =~ /::/
666 0 0 if ($i) { }
710 0 0 if ($i)
713 0 0 if ($dbline[$i] == 0)
730 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^r$/)
733 0 0 if $finished and $level <= 1
739 0 0 $option{'PrintRet'} ? :
743 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^T$/)
748 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^w\b\s*(.*)/s)
750 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^W\b\s*(.*)/s)
752 0 0 if ($cmd =~ m[^/(.*)$])
761 0 0 if ($inpat ne '')
769 0 0 if ($@ ne '')
818 0 0 if $start == $end
823 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^\?(.*)$/)
830 0 0 if ($inpat ne '')
837 0 0 if ($@ ne '')
883 0 0 if $start == $end
888 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^$rc+\s*(-)?(\d+)?$/)
891 0 0 if length $cmd > 1
897 0 0 $1 ? :
910 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^$sh$sh\s*([\x00-\xff]*)/)
918 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^$rc([^$rc].*)$/)
924 0 0 if length $cmd > 1
930 0 0 if $hist[$i] =~ /$pat/
933 0 0 unless ($i)
947 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^$sh$/)
956 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^$sh\s*([\x00-\xff]*)/)
966 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^H\b\s*\*/)
972 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^H\b\s*(-(\d+))?/)
976 0 0 $2 ? :
979 0 0 if $hist < 0
987 0 0 unless $hist[$i] =~ /^.?$/
994 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^(?:man|(?:perl)?doc)\b(?:\s+([^(]*))?$/)
1006 0 0 if ($cmd =~ s/^=\s*//)
1008 0 0 if (length $cmd == 0) { }
0 0 elsif (my($k, $v) = $cmd =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S.*)/) { }
1035 0 0 unless (eval "sub { s\a$k\a$v\a }; 1")
1058 0 0 if ((my $v = $alias{$k}) =~ s/s\a$k\a(.*)\a$/1/) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $alias{$k}) { }
1078 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^source\s+(.*\S)/)
1079 0 0 if (open my $fh, $1) { }
1093 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^save\s*(.*)$/)
1095 0 0 if (open my $fh, "> $file") { }
1098 0 0 /^\s*(save|source)/ ? :
1112 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^(R|rerun\s*(.*))$/)
1113 0 0 $1 eq 'R' ? :
1117 0 0 unless exec @args
1123 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /^\|\|?\s*[^|]/)
1124 0 0 if ($pager =~ /^\|/) { }
1127 0 0 unless open SAVEOUT, '>&STDOUT'
1129 0 0 unless open STDOUT, '>&OUT'
1135 0 0 unless open SAVEOUT, '>&OUT'
1141 0 0 unless ($piped = open(OUT, $pager))
1145 0 0 if ($pager =~ /^\|/) { }
1148 0 0 unless open OUT, '>&STDOUT'
1150 0 0 unless open STDOUT, '>&SAVEOUT'
1157 0 0 unless open OUT, '>&STDOUT'
1164 0 0 if $pager =~ /^\|/ and '' eq $SIG{'PIPE'} || 'DEFAULT' eq $SIG{'PIPE'}
1173 0 0 unless $cmd =~ /^\|\|/
1184 0 0 if ($cmd =~ s/^s\s/\$DB::single = 1;\n/)
1188 0 0 if ($cmd =~ s/^n\s/\$DB::single = 2;\n/)
1200 0 0 if ($onetimeDump) { }
0 0 elsif ($term_pid == $$) { }
1217 0 0 if ($piped)
1220 0 0 if ($pager =~ /^\|/) { }
1226 0 0 unless close OUT
1230 0 0 if ($?)
1232 0 0 if ($? == -1) { }
0 0 elsif ($? >> 8) { }
1236 0 0 $? & 127 ? :
0 0 $? & 128 ? :
1247 0 0 unless open OUT, '>&STDOUT'
1248 0 0 unless open STDOUT, '>&SAVEOUT'
1252 0 0 if $SIG{'PIPE'} eq \&catch
1260 0 0 unless open OUT, '>&SAVEOUT'
1266 0 0 unless $selected eq ''
1274 0 0 unless defined $cmd