Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 83 106 78.3

line true false branch
21 23 383 if ($children->[-1]->op->name eq 'unstack' or $children->[-1]->is_implicit_break_at_end_of_when_block)
31 1 2117 if ($children->[$i]->is_for_loop) { }
37 1048 1070 unless length $this_child_deparsed
39 645 425 if _should_insert_semicolon_after($children->[$i])
40 664 406 unless $i == $end
51 23 664 if $op->op->sibling->isa('B::NULL') or $op->op->sibling->name eq 'unstack' and $op->op->sibling->sibling->isa('B::NULL') or $op->next->is_implicit_break_at_end_of_when_block
57 7 1342 if $op->is_postfix_loop
58 15 1327 if $op->is_scopelike
59 4 1323 if $op->isa('Devel::Chitin::OpTree::COP')
69 6 47 if (my $deparsed = $self->_deparse_postfix_while)
78 6 41 $parent && $parent->is_null && $parent->op->flags & 128 ? :
83 6 41 if ($parent and $parent->is_null and $parent->op->flags & 128) { }
1 40 elsif ($self->op->name eq 'leavetry') { }
91 0 47 $params{'omit_braces'} ? :
109 1 1 unless $i + 2 >= @children
126 5 102 exists $params{'join_with'} ? :
130 19 88 $params{'skip_parens'} ? :
19 88 $params{'skip_parens'} ? :
147 1 0 $self->last->op->name =~ /av$/ ? :
160 0 17 unless (@$children == 3 and $child1->op->name eq 'pushmark' and $child2->op->name eq 'list' || $child2->_ex_name eq 'pp_list' || $child2->op->name eq 'padav' and $aslice_hslice_allowed_ops{$child3->op->name})
175 4 13 $op_name eq 'kvhslice' || $op_name eq 'kvaslice' ? :
186 1 2 if $args[1] eq '$_'
219 4 64 if ($params{'is_printlike'} and not $is_stacked and @$children == 2 and $children->[1]->deparse eq '$_')
233 10 73 $function eq 'sort' ? :
235 17 66 if ($is_stacked) { }
2 64 elsif ($function eq 'sort') { }
61 3 elsif (@$children == 2) { }
237 8 9 if $block_op->is_null
239 1 16 if ($block_op->op->name eq 'const') { }
252 0 2 if ($priv_flags & 1) { }
0 2 elsif ($priv_flags & 16) { }
253 0 0 $priv_flags & 16 ? :
273 11 72 @values > 1 ? :
11 72 @values > 1 ? :
321 6 0 exists $seek_flags{$whence} ? :
328 350 210 $val ? :
350 2 4 if ($children->[4])
374 1 3 if ($self->op->flags & 128) { }
398 2 1 if (@$children == 2) { }
399 1 1 if ($dir eq '$_') { }
432 2 4 if $children->[0]->op->name eq 'pushre' or $children->[0]->op->name eq 'regcomp'
438 2 4 if (my $n_fields = $$children[$i++]->deparse)
439 2 0 if $n_fields > 0
453 0 0 $regex_op->op->flags & 128 && !@{$regex_op->children;} ? :
468 0 0 if (ref $pmreplroot eq 'B::GV') { }
0 0 elsif (not ref $pmreplroot and $pmreplroot > 0) { }
475 0 0 if ($gv) { }
0 0 elsif (my $targ = $pmreplroot_op->op->targ) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->op->flags & 64) { }
485 0 0 if $target
504 4 4 if ($self->op->flags & 64)
568 2 1 if ($^V ge v5.16.0 and $self->op->private & 16) { }
656 49 83 $targmy ? :