Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 28 92.8

line true false branch
21 1 6 if $rx_op_name eq 'regcmaybe' or $rx_op_name eq 'regcreset'
62 4 4 if $block_or_expr->is_null
65 4 4 if ($block_or_expr->is_scopelike) { }
69 2 2 $use_parens ? :
2 2 $use_parens ? :
89 3 5 if ($self->is_if_statement) { }
1 4 elsif ($self->is_posfix_if) { }
104 1 3 if ($self->is_if_statement) { }
1 2 elsif ($self->is_posfix_if) { }
106 0 1 if ($self->first->is_null and $self->first->_ex_name eq 'pp_not') { }
134 0 10 if (index($code, ';') == 0) { }
143 6 10 if (index($code, "\n") >= 0) { }
171 2 5 if ($true->is_scopelike and $false->is_scopelike) { }
4 1 elsif ($true->is_scopelike and $false->is_null and $false->first->op->name eq 'cond_expr' || $false->first->op->name eq 'and') { }