Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 49 58 84.4

line true false branch
22 4 339 $params{'is_swapped'} ? :
31 7 91 if ($self->is_null and $self->last->is_null and $self->last->_ex_name eq 'pp_list' and $self->last->children->[1]->is_null and $self->last->children->[1]->is_array_container and $self->first->is_null and $self->first->_ex_name eq 'pp_list' and $self->first->children->[1]->op->name eq 'sort' and $self->first->children->[1]->op->private & 8) { }
60 2 1 if ($self->op->flags & 64) { }
82 4 166 if ($self->last->is_scalar_container or $self->is_list_reference_alias) { }
122 0 5 unless ($self->first->op->name eq 'null' and $self->first->_ex_name eq 'pp_pushmark')
130 0 5 unless (@$children == 2)
135 1 4 if ($self->is_null and $self->op->private & 16 and $children->[1]->op->name eq 'concat') { }
153 1 16 if ($self->op->flags & 64 and $first->op->name ne 'concat') { }
163 8 8 $params{'skip_concat'} ? :
1 15 $params{'force_quotes'} ? :
165 1 15 if ($params{'force_quotes'})
181 0 12 if (my $deparsed = $self->_deparse_postfix_while)
186 7 5 if ($enterloop->op->name eq 'enteriter') { }
208 4 1 $condition_op->op->name eq 'and' ? :
213 4 1 if ($enterloop->nextop->op->name eq 'unstack') { }
226 4 1 if ($condition_op->op->name eq 'and') { }
255 1 6 if ($enteriter->op->flags & 64 and $list_op->children->[2]) { }
6 0 elsif ($list_op->is_null) { }
271 3 4 $var_op ? :
278 6 1 if ($loop_content_op->first->isa('Devel::Chitin::OpTree::COP')) { }
282 0 1 unless $var eq '$_'
306 0 2 if ($self->_is_chain_deref('rv2hv', 64)) { }
318 3 1 unless $child->isa('Devel::Chitin::OpTree::UNOP')
320 1 0 if $child->op->name eq $expected_first_op
330 3 2 if ($self->is_null and $first->op->name eq 'aelemfast_lex' || $first->op->name eq 'aelemfast' and $self->last->is_null) { }
0 2 elsif ($self->_is_chain_deref('rv2av', 32)) { }
351 3 0 if ($self->op->flags & 128)
392 13 41 if ($self->op->flags & 64) { }
397 26 15 $targmy ? :