Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 58 66 87.8

line true false branch
49 0 20 if $self->opts->{$name}
52 24 0 if $prop =~ $self->valid_opt_params
59 0 3 if $config{'bool'} and $config{'check'}
62 0 3 if $config{'bool'} and $config{'transform'}
65 1 4 if $config{'list'} and $config{'bool'}
67 2 17 if (exists $config{'default'})
69 0 2 if ref $config{'default'} and ref $config{'default'} ne 'CODE'
73 9 10 if (exists $config{'check'})
77 2 7 if $ref and not $ref =~ /^(CODE|Regexp)$/ or not $ref || $config{'check'} =~ /^(file|dir|number)$/
80 2 15 if (exists $config{'alias'})
82 1 1 ref $config{'alias'} ? :
88 0 3 if $self->opts->{$alias}
106 3 30 if ($opt eq '--') { }
24 6 elsif ($opt =~ /^-+([^-=]+)(?:=(.+))?$/ and not $no_flags) { }
119 5 12 if ($self->opts->{$name}{'list'}) { }
133 2 2 if exists $flags->{$opt}
135 0 2 ref $val ? :
155 3 19 if ($spec->{'bool'})
156 1 2 if defined $value
157 1 1 $spec->{'default'} ? :
160 5 14 defined $value ? :
162 7 12 $spec->{'list'} ? :
167 12 2 unless $spec->{'transform'}
176 7 12 unless $check
181 2 10 if ($ref eq 'Regexp') { }
2 8 elsif ($ref eq 'CODE') { }
2 6 elsif ($check eq 'file') { }
2 4 elsif ($check eq 'dir') { }
4 0 elsif ($check eq 'number') { }
197 7 5 unless @bad
208 20 4 if $self->opts->{$key}
215 1 3 if @matches > 1
218 1 2 unless @matches