Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 34 94.1

line true false branch
151 2 18 $opts{'PolicyModule'} ? :
154 2 3 defined $master_debug ? :
15 5 defined $opts{'DEBUG'} ? :
155 15 5 unless (defined $master_debug)
170 2 18 if (defined $caller_value) { }
172 1 1 if $debug_value ne $caller_value
182 16 4 if ($debug_value) { }
189 4 0 unless 'Debuggit'->can('add_func')
209 14 2 if ($debug_value == $master_debug) { }
211 11 3 unless 'Debuggit'->can('debuggit')
34 2 $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ? :
4 34 unless @_ > 0 and ($_[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ? shift() : 1) <= $debug_value
219 11 5 unless ('Debuggit'->can('add_func'))
224 0 11 if ($data_printer) { }
310 2 41 /^ +/ || / +$/ ? :
1 43 !defined($_) ? :
375 7 36 if ($_ and exists $Debuggit::PROCS{$_}) { }