Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 78 90 86.6

line true false branch
30 24464 16911 is_leap_year($year) ? :
42 1 98465 if $year == 9**9**9 or $year == -9**9**9
43 33663 64802 if $year % 4
44 6980 57822 if $year % 100
45 120 57702 if $year % 400
57 41995 218168 if ($m <= 2) { }
406 217762 elsif ($m > 14) { }
66 115647 144516 if ($y < 0)
97 1 27737 if ($_[1] < 0) { }
1 27736 elsif ($_[1] >= 1000000000) { }
115 2081 162 if $$dt{'utc_rd_secs'} >= 0 and $$dt{'utc_rd_secs'} <= 86399
117 92 70 if ($$dt{'tz'}->is_floating) { }
129 75750 4 unless $_ == 9**9**9
4 37873 if grep {$_ == -9**9**9 unless $_ == 9**9**9;} @_[0, 1]
137 101 37772 if ($_[1] < 0) { }
163 0 265330 if ($d > 268435149) { }
115643 149687 elsif (($d += 306) <= 0) { }
181 41523 223807 if $m > 12
183 27978 237352 if ($_[0])
187 731 27247 if ($rd < -6) { }
190 626 105 $dow ? :
222 39832 16124 is_leap_year($y) ? :
246 0 0 if ($utc_secs and $utc_secs >= 86400)
249 0 0 if $utc_secs > 86401
257 0 0 if $hour < 0
270 52 18 if ($_[1] < 0) { }
289 0 70 if ($_[1] >= $day_length) { }
3 67 elsif ($_[1] < 0) { }
320 50 34266 if ($utc_secs and $utc_secs >= 86400)
323 0 50 if $utc_secs > 86401
331 1 49 if $hour < 0
340 0 224 unless defined $offset
342 3 221 if $offset eq '0'
345 38 183 if ($offset =~ /^([\+\-])?(\d\d?):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?$/) { }
50 133 elsif ($offset =~ /^([\+\-])?(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)?$/) { }
358 15 73 unless defined $sign
359 0 88 unless $hours >= 0 and $hours <= 99
360 18 70 unless $minutes >= 0 and $minutes <= 59
361 6 23 unless not defined $seconds or $seconds >= 0 and $seconds <= 59
364 23 41 if $seconds
365 27 37 if $sign eq '-'
373 0 74 unless defined $offset
374 2 72 unless $offset >= -359999 and $offset <= 359999
376 31 41 $offset < 0 ? :
386 22 50 $secs ? :