Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 37 45 82.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
28 39 0 12 $dt1->time_zone->is_floating && $dt2->time_zone->is_floating
37 34 0 5 $utc_rd_secs >= 86340 and not $is_floating
64 35 16 0 $bigger->time_zone->has_dst_changes and $bigger->ymd ne $smaller->ymd || $bigger->is_dst != $smaller->is_dst
74 6 7 0 $bigger->is_dst and do { local $@; my $prev_day = eval { do { $bigger->clone->subtract('days', 1) } }; $prev_day && !$prev_day->is_dst ? 1 : 0 }
76 1 3 3 $prev_day && !$prev_day->is_dst
83 7 6 0 not $bigger->is_dst and do { local $@; my $prev_day = eval { do { $bigger->clone->subtract('days', 1) } }; $prev_day && $prev_day->is_dst ? 1 : 0 }
85 0 5 1 $prev_day && $prev_day->is_dst
269 1 1 4356 blessed $dur and $dur->isa('DateTimeX::Lite::Duration')
291 1 20 1208 blessed $date2 and $date2->isa('DateTimeX::Lite::Duration')
1 1 19 blessed $date2 and $date2->isa('DateTimeX::Lite')
321 0 6324 0 blessed $dur and $dur->isa('DateTimeX::Lite::Duration')
374 443 131 1 not $dur->is_wrap_mode and $d > 28

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
64 11 2 3 $bigger->ymd ne $smaller->ymd || $bigger->is_dst != $smaller->is_dst
394 3483 573 2262 $deltas{'days'} or $deltas{'months'}
409 2197 3 4115 $deltas{'seconds'} or $deltas{'nanoseconds'}