Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 14 33 42.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
64 0 0 0 $result and $_
174 3 0 5 exists $_[0]{'set'}{'method'} and $_[0]{'set'}{'method'} eq 'until'
185 2 0 5 exists $_[0]{'set'}{'method'} and $_[0]{'set'}{'method'} eq 'until'
240 6 0 0 not ref $max and $max == 9**9**9
274 3 0 0 not ref $min and $min == 9**9**9
306 4 0 0 not ref $min and $min == 9**9**9
440 0 0 4 exists $set1->{'set'}{'method'} and $set1->{'set'}{'method'} eq 'until'
451 0 0 4 defined $start and defined $end
537 1 1 0 defined $dur and ref $dur

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
126 3 0 0 delete $args{'set'} || carp(q[from_set_and_duration needs a 'set' parameter])
134 1 2 0 delete $args{'duration'} || 'DateTime::Duration'->new(%args)