Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 34 88.2

line true false branch
19 7 264 if ($date_chunks[1] =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ and my($month_abbrev) = grep({$date_chunks[1] =~ /^$_$/i;} keys %{$$self{"data"}{"months_abbrev"};}))
34 253 18 if (exists $chunks_length{'4'}) { }
12 6 elsif ($date_sep =~ /^\\[-.]$/ and not $format =~ /$date_sep/) { }
36 6 75 $format =~ /^m/ ? :
172 81 $chunks_length{'4'} == 0 ? :
57 0 271 if (not $lax and $format_sep ne $date_sep)
69 0 271 unless (@format_order == 3 and ($d and $m and $y))
79 271 0 $self->{'datetime'} ? :
84 18 253 if (length $year == 2)
86 1 270 unless ($self->_check_date($year, $month, $day))
116 192 1 $self->{'Format'} =~ m[^[dm]{1,2}/[dm]{1,2}$]i ? :
119 1 192 unless (defined $format and $format =~ m[^(?:(?:m/d)|(?:d/m))$])
130 0 192 unless ($self->_check_date($self->{'datetime'}->year, $month, $day))
155 321 143 if ($date_string =~ /^\S+\b \s+ \b\S+/x) { }
163 321 143 defined $date ? :
170 321 141 if (@{$self->{'tokens'};})
184 10492 496704 if (defined $formatted)