Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 145 160 90.6

line true false branch
348 6 107 unless (defined $args{'pattern'})
349 6 0 if ($self->locale->can($DEFAULT_FORMAT)) { }
384 114 14 if (defined $pattern)
409 116 2 if (defined $time_zone)
410 109 7 if (ref $time_zone and $time_zone->isa('DateTime::TimeZone')) { }
414 0 5 unless $self->{'time_zone'} = 'DateTime::TimeZone'->new('name', $time_zone)
439 115 14 if (defined $locale)
440 101 14 if (not ref $locale && ($locale->isa('DateTime::Locale::Base') || $locale->isa('DateTime::Locale::FromData'))) { }
442 0 100 unless $self->{'locale'} = 'DateTime::Locale'->load($locale)
481 114 1 if (defined $on_error)
482 1 112 unless ref $on_error eq 'CODE' or $on_error eq 'croak' or $on_error eq 'undef'
523 114 1 if (defined $incomplete)
524 1 112 unless ref $incomplete eq 'CODE' or $incomplete eq '1' or $incomplete eq 'incomplete'
576 76812 85615 if (ref $part eq 'ARRAY') { }
2 85613 elsif (not $string =~ s/^ \s* $part//xi) { }
582 4 76808 unless $string =~ s/^ \s* $regexp//xi
589 14044 62764 if (ref $PARSER{$command . $index} eq '')
594 14045 84396 if (lc $element eq lc $capture)
595 1 14044 if (defined $tmpcapture)
607 15 76792 if ($command eq 'G') { }
750 76042 elsif ($command eq 'y' and $index == 2) { }
9090 66952 elsif ($command eq 'y') { }
30 66922 elsif ($command eq 'Q' or $command eq 'q') { }
9862 57060 elsif ($command eq 'M' or $command eq 'L') { }
5 57055 elsif ($command eq 'w') { }
5 57050 elsif ($command eq 'W') { }
9824 47226 elsif ($command eq 'd') { }
5 47221 elsif ($command eq 'D') { }
5 47216 elsif ($command eq 'e' and $index == 1) { }
2223 44993 elsif ($command eq 'E' or $command eq 'c' or $command eq 'e') { }
5 44988 elsif ($command eq 'F') { }
5868 39120 elsif ($command eq 'a') { }
5864 33256 elsif ($command eq 'h') { }
4 33252 elsif ($command eq 'K') { }
6680 26572 elsif ($command eq 'H') { }
8 26564 elsif ($command eq 'k') { }
12190 14374 elsif ($command eq 'm') { }
9489 4885 elsif ($command eq 's') { }
12 4873 elsif ($command eq 'S') { }
240 4633 elsif ($command eq 'Z') { }
2317 2316 elsif ($command eq 'z' || $command eq 'v' || $command eq 'V' and $index == 1) { }
2316 0 elsif ($command eq 'z' or $command eq 'v' or $command eq 'V') { }
611 372 378 if ($datetime{'year'} >= 70) { }
633 1 4 if $capture < 1
642 2930 2934 if $capture == 12
657 120 120 if ($index >= 4)
662 1 2316 if (not defined $ZONEMAP{$capture} or $ZONEMAP{$capture} eq 'Ambiguous')
681 1 12756 if $string ne ''
685 5868 6888 if (defined $datetime_info{'hour12'} and defined $datetime_info{'ampm'})
689 5862 6 if $datetime_info{'ampm'} == 2 and $datetime{'hour'} < 12
691 8 12748 if (defined $datetime_info{'hour24'})
693 3 5 if ($datetime{'hour'} == 24)
699 3 12753 if ($datetime{'hour'} == 24)
700 2 1 if ($datetime{'minute'} == 0 and $datetime{'second'} == 0 and $datetime{'nanosecond'} == 0) { }
711 0 15 if (defined $datetime_info{'era'} and $datetime_info{'era'} == 0 and defined $datetime{'year'})
718 18 9820 unless (defined $datetime{'year'} and defined $datetime{'month'} and defined $datetime{'day'})
723 1 2934 if (ref $self->{'incomplete'} eq 'CODE') { }
2933 1 elsif ($self->{'incomplete'} eq '1') { }
1 0 elsif ($self->{'incomplete'} eq 'incomplete') { }
734 0 1 if $@ or ref $dt ne 'DateTime::Incomplete'
746 3 12751 if $@ or ref $dt ne 'DateTime'
750 2 12749 if ($datetime_info{'dayadd'})
756 2 2276 unless ($dt->$check == $datetime_check{$check})
776 0 12685 unless defined $dt and ref $dt and $dt->isa('DateTime')
854 12651 112 if defined $self->{'_built_pattern'}
875 10 836 if ($string) { }
469 367 elsif ($pattern) { }
367 0 elsif ($rest) { }
887 1 468 if ($command eq 'j')
888 0 1 $self->{'locale'}->prefers_24_hour_time ? :
893 469 249 if (defined $PARSER{$command . $count})
900 0 469 unless $rule
904 398 71 if (ref $rule eq 'Regexp') { }
22 49 elsif (ref $rule eq 'ARRAY') { }
963 1 12 if ref $self->{'on_error'} eq 'CODE'
966 8 4 if $self->{'on_error'} eq 'croak'
969 4 0 if $self->{'on_error'} eq 'undef'
982 0 2 if ref $self->{'on_error'} eq 'CODE'
985 2 0 if $self->{'on_error'} eq 'croak'
988 0 2 if $self->{'on_error'} eq 'undef'