Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 57 75 76.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
71 10 0 2 $$self{'sunset'} and $$self{'time_zone'}
170 1 0 0 $$self{'sunset'} and $$self{'time_zone'}
218 0 0 4 $a->can('utc_rd_values') and $b->can('utc_rd_values')
377 341 14 1 $ConjunctionDay % 7 == 2 and $ConjunctionParts >= 9924
355 1 0 $ConjunctionDay % 7 == 2 and $ConjunctionParts >= 9924 and not &_leap_year($year)
228 24 104 $ConjunctionDay % 7 == 1 and $ConjunctionParts >= 16789
252 6 98 $ConjunctionDay % 7 == 1 and $ConjunctionParts >= 16789 and &_leap_year($year - 1)
414 553 27 51 $month == 8 and not &_LongCheshvan($year)
503 34 43 $month == 9 and &_ShortKislev($year)
390 67 6 $month == 12 and not &_leap_year($year)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
101 0 3 $rd_nanosecs ||= 0
113 0 3 $rd_nanosecs || 0
191 3 12 $res[2] ||= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
289 0 1 0 ref $class || $class
298 0 1 0 ref $class || $class
377 173 0 356 $ConjunctionParts >= 19440 or $ConjunctionDay % 7 == 2 and $ConjunctionParts >= 9924 and not &_leap_year($year)
0 0 356 $ConjunctionParts >= 19440 or $ConjunctionDay % 7 == 2 and $ConjunctionParts >= 9924 and not &_leap_year($year) or $ConjunctionDay % 7 == 1 and $ConjunctionParts >= 16789 and &_leap_year($year - 1)
387 18 186 325 $AlternativeDay % 7 == 0 or $AlternativeDay % 7 == 3
204 41 284 $AlternativeDay % 7 == 0 or $AlternativeDay % 7 == 3 or $AlternativeDay % 7 == 5
414 44 30 633 $month == 2 or $month == 4
74 2 631 $month == 2 or $month == 4 or $month == 6
32 0 631 $month == 2 or $month == 4 or $month == 6 or $month == 8 and not &_LongCheshvan($year)
51 0 580 $month == 2 or $month == 4 or $month == 6 or $month == 8 and not &_LongCheshvan($year) or $month == 9 and &_ShortKislev($year)
43 74 463 $month == 2 or $month == 4 or $month == 6 or $month == 8 and not &_LongCheshvan($year) or $month == 9 and &_ShortKislev($year) or $month == 10
117 0 463 $month == 2 or $month == 4 or $month == 6 or $month == 8 and not &_LongCheshvan($year) or $month == 9 and &_ShortKislev($year) or $month == 10 or $month == 12 and not &_leap_year($year)
6 67 390 $month == 2 or $month == 4 or $month == 6 or $month == 8 and not &_LongCheshvan($year) or $month == 9 and &_ShortKislev($year) or $month == 10 or $month == 12 and not &_leap_year($year) or $month == 13