Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 62 90.3

line true false branch
76 39 31985 if ($p{'nanoseconds'}) { }
88 117 31891 $self->{'months'} < 0 ? :
16 32008 defined $p{'end_of_month'} ? :
104 2 45 if $self->{'nanoseconds'} == &DateTime::INFINITY() or $self->{'nanoseconds'} == &DateTime::NEG_INFINITY() or $self->{'nanoseconds'} eq &DateTime::NAN()
109 13 32 if $seconds < 0
123 5 3 if $_[0]->_has_positive
124 8 2 if not $_[0]->_has_positive
127 7 11 grep({$_ > 0;} @{$_[0];}{@all_units}) ? :
131 7 6 grep({$_ < 0;} @{$_[0];}{@all_units}) ? :
135 31943 747 if grep {$_ != 0;} @{$_[0];}{@all_units}
160 12 52 if ($units{'years'})
165 8 56 if ($units{'months'})
169 11 53 if ($units{'weeks'})
174 8 56 if ($units{'days'})
178 21 43 if ($units{'hours'})
183 11 53 if ($units{'minutes'})
187 16 48 if ($units{'seconds'})
192 8 56 if ($units{'nanoseconds'})
196 2 62 wantarray ? :
199 426 115 $_[0]{'end_of_month'} eq 'wrap' ? :
200 3 0 $_[0]{'end_of_month'} eq 'limit' ? :
201 227 854 $_[0]{'end_of_month'} eq 'preserve' ? :
229 22906 91544 if $new{$u}
233 2 22888 if exists $p{'end_of_month'}
245 8 9 if $self->{'nanoseconds'}
267 2 0 if @_ == 1 and &blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->isa("DateTime::Duration")
292 1 2 if $self->{'nanoseconds'}
312 0 1 if $rev
314 0 1 if (DateTime::Helpers::isa($d2, "DateTime"))
326 0 6 if $rev
328 0 6 if DateTime::Helpers::isa($d2, "DateTime")