Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 51 70 72.8

line true false branch
35 0 2 if $val < $BEGINNING
46 47 15 unless $key eq 'absol'
92 20 8 if exists $$self{'year'}
98 8 0 if (($days + 1) % $FOUR_CENTURIES) { }
105 8 0 if (($days + 1) % $FOUR_YEARS) { }
129 14 3 if $year % 4 or $year % 400 and not $year % 100
136 5 10 if exists $$self{'month'}
140 3 7 if $self->is_leap
151 15 0 if exists $$self{'day'}
183 0 6 if $year < 1
200 0 6 if $month < 1 or $month > 12
203 1 5 if $is_leap
204 0 6 if $day < 1 or $day + $$MONTH_REF[$month - 1] > $$MONTH_REF[$month]
247 0 972 unless defined $year
260 0 6 if $year < 1
265 0 6 unless defined $MONTH_START{$year_length}
277 26 4 if exists $$self{'year'}
280 0 4 if $days < $HEBREW_BEGINNING
291 0 8 if exists $$self{'month'}
295 0 8 unless defined $MONTH_START{$year_length}
300 9 92 if ($days >= $_ and $days - $_ < $day)
313 8 0 if exists $$self{'day'}
345 7 16 if ($hour >= 18 or 'Date::Convert::Hebrew'->is_leap($year) and $guess == 2 and $hour > 9 || $hour == 9 && $part >= 204 or 'Date::Convert::Hebrew'->is_leap($year - 1) and $guess == 1 and $hour > 15 || $hour == 15 && $part > 589)
358 271 352 if (scalar grep({$guess == $_;} 0, 3, 5))
375 645 1224 if ($part > 1080)
379 726 1143 if ($hour > 24)
393 1617 252 if ($part > 1080)
398 1557 312 if ($hour > 24)
455 0 3 if $year < 1
468 0 3 if $month < 1 or $month > 12
471 0 3 if $is_leap
472 0 3 if $day < 1 or $day + $$MONTH_REF[$month - 1] > $$MONTH_REF[$month]
481 5 2 if exists $$self{'year'}
489 2 0 if (($days + 1) % $FOUR_YEARS) { }
508 1 1 if $year % 4