Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 70 67.1

line true false branch
127 2 15 unless $d
169 0 3 if (not $line and lc $file eq '-e')
181 0 8 unless $ok{$arg}
216 0 24 unless my $obj = $package->SUPER::new(@_)
308 2 4 $dow < 0 ? :
355 4 0 unless (defined $m)
356 1 3 if (ref $h) { }
2 1 elsif ($h =~ s/s$//) { }
376 2 2 if $offset
386 0 1 if @bits > 3
387 0 1 unless @bits >= 2
389 0 1 if ($bits[-1] =~ s/([ap])m$//i)
391 0 0 if ($bits[0] == 12) { }
392 0 0 if $d eq 'a'
395 0 0 if $d eq 'p'
533 1 2 unless ref $other
537 3 0 $abs_d ? :
540 3 21 if $count++ > $abs_d
565 0 8 unless @ymd == 3
568 5 3 if ($ymd[2] > 28)
570 3 2 if $ymd[2] > $dim
598 2 6 unless $months % 12
629 2 8 if $ymd[1] == 2
670 5 29 unless $v == $int
692 4 25 if ($aref and $aref->isa('Date::Simple'))
693 0 4 unless $aref->can($method)
695 0 4 $r ? :
697 0 25 if ($sref and $aref)
698 0 0 unless $sref eq $aref
710 5 0 $r ? :
719 0 5 if $r
752 13 54 if (ref $and and $and->can('unit'))
754 0 13 unless $self->can($m)
777 1 19 if $r
778 5 14 if (ref $and and $and->isa('Date::Piece'))