Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 64 68 95.5

line true false branch
47 21214 13 if (exists $classes{$args[0]}) { }
61 16 21211 if (@args and ref $args[$#args] eq "ARRAY")
67 19777 1450 if (ref($args[0]) =~ /^Date::Manip/)
79 19777 1450 if ($old)
80 17 19760 if (ref $old eq 'Date::Manip::Base') { }
3 19757 elsif (ref $old eq 'Date::Manip::TZ') { }
107 13 21214 if ($base and @opts)
109 12 1 if $tz
113 503 20724 if ($class eq 'Date::Manip::Base') { }
512 20212 elsif ($class eq 'Date::Manip::TZ') { }
114 4 499 if ($base)
119 2 2 if (@opts) { }
128 3 509 if ($tz) { }
496 13 elsif (not $base) { }
130 2 1 if (@opts) { }
142 456 19756 unless ($tz)
143 1 455 if ($base) { }
155 21220 7 if $init
156 16 21211 if @opts
157 15 21212 if @args
169 15 1 if (ref $obj eq 'Date::Manip::Base') { }
224 6 2 unless (@args and ref $args[$#args] eq "ARRAY")
251 1 19596 if ($t eq 'Date::Manip::Base') { }
17885 1711 elsif ($t eq 'Date::Manip::TZ') { }
265 2 191 if ($t eq "Date::Manip::Base" or $t eq "Date::Manip::TZ")
276 83 384 if (ref $self eq 'Date::Manip::Base' or ref $self eq 'Date::Manip::TZ') { }
297 2 6 if ($t eq 'Date::Manip::Base') { }
2 4 elsif ($t eq 'Date::Manip::TZ') { }
306 7 1 if (@args)
310 8 0 if (exists $base->{'data'}{'sections'}{'conf'}{lc $var}) { }
320 6 1 if (@ret == 1) { }
333 1419 9594 if ($arg) { }
353 0 168 if ($flag and ref $self ne 'Date::Manip::Base') { }
355 0 0 if (ref $self eq 'Date::Manip::TZ') { }