Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 49 54 90.7

line true false branch
198 1 94 if (defined $self->missing and $datum eq $self->missing)
203 2 92 unless (defined $datum)
208 1 91 if (defined $self->min and $datum < $self->min)
212 1 90 if (defined $self->max and $datum > $self->max)
217 22 68 if (defined $self->match)
219 20 2 unless ($datum =~ /$match/)
225 60 8 if (defined $self->values)
227 35 25 unless (exists $hash{$datum})
233 0 33 if (defined $self->verify)
235 0 0 unless (&$coderef($datum))
267 1 8 if (defined $self->missing and $datum eq $self->missing)
269 8 0 if (defined $self->transform)
302 2 5 if (@_)
314 157 14 if (@_)
333 3 127 if (@_)
354 2 98 if (@_)
360 2 96 if (@_)
381 1 115 if (@_)
383 1 0 if (_is_valid_pattern($regex))
403 6 20 if (@_)
406 3 3 if (_ref_check($ref, 'CODE'))
428 4 35 if (@_)
430 1 3 if (_ref_check($ref, 'CODE'))
453 6 129 if (@_)
455 4 2 if (_ref_check($ref, 'ARRAY'))
480 8 8 unless ($ref eq $should_be)
481 5 3 if (length $ref > 0) { }