Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 48 85.4

line true false branch
52 76 32 if $class->can($attr->{'method'})
76 1 1 &any(sub { $_ eq $v; } , @{$self->allowed;}) ? :
82 0 2 if defined $self->min_value and $v < $self->min_value
83 1 1 if defined $self->max_value and $v > $self->max_value
90 1 1 $v == $self->value ? :
2 1 if $self->isValidNumber($v) and $self->isValidNumber($self->value)
93 1 0 $v eq $self->value ? :
107 1 1 defined $_[1] && length $_[1] ? :
113 0 35 unless defined $pat
115 25 10 $v =~ / $pat /msx ? :
121 0 5 unless defined $type_name
125 1 0 if $_ =~ / not\ a\ known\ type\ constraint /mx
130 2 2 $type->check($v) ? :
142 6 8 (gethostbyname $_[1])[0] ? :
154 1 3 unless $self->isMatchingRegex($v, $pat)
155 0 3 unless int $v == $v
162 0 7 if defined $self->min_length and length $v < $self->min_length
163 1 6 if defined $self->max_length and length $v > $self->max_length
168 8 3 &looks_like_number($v) ? :
179 1 5 unless $self->isMatchingRegex($v, $pat)
183 1 4 unless $hours >= 0 and $hours <= 23
184 1 3 unless $minutes >= 0 and $minutes <= 59
186 1 2 unless defined $seconds
188 1 1 $seconds >= 0 && $seconds <= 59 ? :