Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 39 54 72.2

line true false branch
36 2 16 unless scalar @outcome
37 4 12 if scalar @outcome == 1
38 6 6 if $outcome[0] eq "iterator"
40 0 6 unless defined $wa
41 3 3 unless $wa
46 18 18 if $API_VERSION le "0.734"
52 6 12 if (scalar @outcome < 2) { }
6 6 elsif ($outcome[0] eq 'iterator') { }
6 0 elsif ($outcome[0] eq 'records') { }
66 0 18 unless defined $wa
67 9 9 unless $wa
76 0 42 if (lc $item eq '-api') { }
77 0 0 unless @_
92 5 1 if (defined $tap)
98 2 3 if $tap eq "sink"
103 0 3 unless @records
104 1 2 if @records == 1
107 3 2 if $tap eq "bucket"
112 0 5 if $tap eq "first"
117 0 0 unless @records
120 0 5 if $tap eq "array"
123 0 6 if (not defined $tap and defined $args->{'pump'})
133 0 6 if $tap and ref $tap ne "CODE"
138 1 5 unless $tap
141 0 5 unless my(undef, $iterator) = &$sequence(@_)
159 8 35 if (ref $r eq 'ARRAY') { }
172 0 58 unless my $sub = $pack->can($name)