Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 44 0.0

line true false branch
147 0 0 if ('HASH' eq ref $structure or obj $structure, 'HASH')
149 0 0 defined $nodes_to_display ? :
210 0 0 if $value =~ /$regex/
221 0 0 if (exists $at_start{$_} or @at_start_regex and &$match_to_regex(\@at_start_regex, $_)) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $at_end{$_} or @at_end_regex and &$match_to_regex(\@at_end_regex, $_)) { }
263 0 0 if ('HASH' eq ref $structure or obj $_, 'HASH') { }
265 0 0 if defined $keys
305 0 0 if ('HASH' eq ref $structure or obj $structure, 'HASH')
307 0 0 defined $nodes_to_display ? :
313 0 0 if ('ARRAY' eq ref $key) { }
421 0 0 unless $EMPTY_STRING eq ref $class_to_key[$index] or 'Regexp' eq ref $class_to_key[$index]
422 0 0 unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $class_to_key[$index + 1]
435 0 0 if $value =~ /$regex/
448 0 0 if ($ref_s eq 'HASH' or obj $s, 'HASH') { }
452 0 0 if ($ref_s =~ /$$class[0]/ or obj $s, $$class[0])
540 0 0 unless defined $package
543 0 0 if $subroutine eq '(eval)'
544 0 0 if defined $evaltext
545 0 0 if $has_args
546 0 0 if $is_require
547 0 0 $wantarray ? :
0 0 defined $wantarray ? :