Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 9 68 13.2

line true false branch
63 2 0 if ($$self[8] == 1)
74 0 0 if $error == 18 and $flags & 1
79 0 2 unless my $ctx = &Net::SSLeay::CTX_new()
81 2 0 if &Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_options($ctx, Net::SSLeay::OP_ALL())
84 0 0 if ($$self[8] == 0) { }
86 0 0 unless &Net::SSLeay::set_cert_and_key($ctx, $$self[7], $$self[6])
103 0 0 unless my $ssl = &Net::SSLeay::new($ctx)
105 0 0 if ($$self[8] == 0)
106 0 0 unless &Net::SSLeay::set_cipher_list($ssl, 'ALL')
109 0 0 unless my $rb = &Net::SSLeay::BIO_new(&Net::SSLeay::BIO_s_mem())
111 0 0 unless my $wb = &Net::SSLeay::BIO_new(&Net::SSLeay::BIO_s_mem())
149 0 2 if defined $opts{'key'} xor defined $opts{'cert'}
151 0 2 if (defined $opts{'key'})
156 0 2 defined $opts{'type'} && $opts{'type'} eq 'Server' ? :
157 0 2 if $$self[8] == 0 and not defined $$self[6]
161 1 1 $opts{'flags'} ? :
182 0 0 if ($$self[8] == 0) { }
188 0 0 if ($rv < 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($rv == 1) { }
190 0 0 if ($err == Net::SSLeay::ERROR_WANT_READ()) { }
212 0 0 if (defined $$self[9])
224 0 0 if (defined $newdata)
228 0 0 unless &Net::SSLeay::BIO_pending($$self[3]) or $$self[5] == 0
230 0 0 if ($$self[5] == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($$self[5] == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($$self[5] == 2) { }
231 0 0 if (my $data = $self->_try_connection)
232 0 0 if (blessed $data and $data->isa('Data::Transform::Meta::Error')) { }
242 0 0 if ($shutdown == 2)
249 0 0 if defined $got
260 0 0 if ($meta->isa('Data::Transform::Meta::EOF'))
263 0 0 if ($shutdown == 1)
275 0 0 if ($$self[5] == 0) { }
286 0 0 if $ret