Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 28 100.0

line true false branch
76 1 11 if @_ & 1
79 3 5 unless defined $params{'Code'} or defined $params{'Get'} and defined $params{'Put'}
83 3 5 defined $params{'Code'} ? :
1 7 unless defined $params{'Code'} ? ref $params{'Code'} eq 'CODE' : 1
85 5 2 defined $params{'Get'} ? :
4 2 defined $params{'Put'} ? :
2 5 unless defined $params{'Get'} ? ref $params{'Get'} eq 'CODE' : 1 and defined $params{'Put'} ? ref $params{'Put'} eq 'CODE' : 1
117 61 64 unless defined $data
118 42 22 if $$self[1]($data)
124 27 13 if $$self[2]($data)
146 3 4 unless ref $params{$_} eq 'CODE'
147 1 3 if (lc $_ eq 'code') { }
1 2 elsif (lc $_ eq 'put') { }
1 1 elsif (lc $_ eq 'get') { }