Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 12 18 66.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
232 0 19 27 &blessed($terse_object) && $terse_object->isa('Data::Tersify::Summary')
256 17 2 25 $changed and $caller_sub ne 'Data::Tersify::tersify'
305 2 0 3 &reftype($safe_structure) eq 'HASH' and &reftype($new_contents) eq 'HASH'
0 0 2 &reftype($safe_structure) eq 'ARRAY' and &reftype($new_contents) eq 'ARRAY'
366 2 0 1 $plugin->can('handles_subclasses') and $plugin->handles_subclasses
378 25 0 21 not $chosen_plugin and keys %plugin_handles_subclasses