Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 48 85.4

line true false branch
17 1 7 if defined $_ and not &isint($_) and not &isfloat($_)
39 0 42 if ($name_or_idx =~ /\A[0-9][1-9]*\z/) { }
48 6 41 if ($name_or_idx =~ /\A[0-9][1-9]*\z/) { }
51 23 18 exists $self->{'cols_by_name'}{$name_or_idx} ? :
58 23 56 if ($name_or_idx =~ /\A[0-9][1-9]*\z/) { }
59 18 5 $name_or_idx < @{$self->{'cols_by_idx'};} ? :
74 8 18 unless defined $col_idx
77 0 18 unless $row_count
95 24 4 if ($cols0) { }
100 4 31 if ($col0 eq '*') { }
103 4 27 unless $self->col_exists($col0)
108 3 32 if $excl_cols and grep {$add eq $_;} @$excl_cols
139 4 61 unless not $func_filter_row or &$func_filter_row($self, $row)
144 4 16 if ($sorts and @$sorts)
149 0 4 unless my($reverse, $col) = $sortcol =~ /\A(-?)(.+)/
151 0 4 if defined $col_is_numeric{$col}
153 0 4 if ($sch) { }
158 0 4 unless defined $col_name
171 4 1 $reverse ? :
4 1 $col_is_numeric{$col} ? :
172 5 0 if $cmp
183 48 13 if ($_as eq 'aoaos') { }
201 16 4 if ($_as eq 'aoaos') { }
235 12 5 if ($i < $count) { }