Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 255 1776 14.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
160 804 0 0 $response and not $check
161 804 0 0 $response and $check
804 0 0 $response and $check and not $response =~ /$success/u
162 804 0 0 $response and $response =~ /Syntax error:.*unexpected/u
202 0 0 0 $returnCode && $R =~ /$returnCode/u
742 0 0 $R and not $returnCode && $R =~ /$returnCode/u
0 371 371 $success and not $r =~ /$success/su
232 2226 1113 371 $valid and not defined $valid{lc $1}
332 0 0 536 not $file =~ m[\0|\n|\A\.|\A\/\Z]su and -e $file
371 0 0 0 $exists and not @missing
374 0 0 0 -e $_->[0] and $_->[0] ne $target
540 371 371 0 @f == 1 and not wantarray
587 0 742 371 @p and $p[0] eq $p
606 0 0 0 @path and $path[0] =~ /\A\s*\Z/u
755 63645 0 1104 $filter and $filter
63645 1104 0 $filter and $filter and not /$filter/su
768 5672 0 0 $filter and $filter
5672 0 0 $filter and $filter and not /$filter/su
783 0 921 17 $_ and not -d $_
792 0 17 921 $dir and -d $dir
1171 1072 0 0 $old && $new
1270 0 268 268 -e $source and not -e $target
1361 0 0 0 -e $source and not -d $source
1406 0 0 0 defined $extension and $extension =~ /\A\S{2,}\Z/su
1432 0 0 0 -e $source && -e $id
1461 0 0 0 &fn($source) =~ /[0-9a-z]{32}\Z/isu and @_ == 1
1499 0 0 0 -e $source && -e $id
1883 2208 0 6624 $c eq '%' and @s >= 2
2351 1 0 3 $i and &reftype($i) =~ /hash/iu
2363 36 3 1 $t{$b}{$_} and not $t{$a}{$_}++
39 1 0 $t{$b}{$_} and not $t{$a}{$_}++ and ++$changes
2505 0 0 8884 ref($data) =~ /array/iu and @$data
2530 0 0 1110 ref($data) =~ /hash/iu and keys %$data
2539 0 0 1110 ref($data) =~ /array/iu and @$data
2556 0 0 1110 ref($data) =~ /hash/iu and keys %$data
2573 0 0 739 ref($data) =~ /array/iu and @$data
2586 0 0 1110 ref($data) =~ /hash/iu and keys %$data
2653 4446 9347 270 $columnTitles and not ref $columnTitles
13793 268 2 $columnTitles and not ref $columnTitles and $columnTitles eq 'columns'
9615 0 2 $columnTitles and not ref $columnTitles and $columnTitles eq 'columns' and scalar(@options) % 2 == 1
2692 1849 0 8884 $a and not $h
1849 0 8884 $a and not $h and not $o
2693 0 739 1110 not $a and $h
739 0 1110 not $a and $h and not $o
2698 2220 0 1110 $a and not $h
2220 0 1110 $a and not $h and not $o
2699 0 1110 1110 not $a and $h
1110 0 1110 not $a and $h and not $o
2732 3311 0 0 $msg and $file
3311 0 0 $msg and $file and $head
2740 0 0 536 $a and not $h
0 0 536 $a and not $h and not $o
2759 0 0 373 $a and not $h
0 0 373 $a and not $h and not $o
2779 2938 373 0 $file and $a + $h + $o || $zero
2834 0 0 23 not $options{'zero'} and $data
0 0 23 not $options{'zero'} and $data and ref($data) =~ /array/iu
0 23 0 not $options{'zero'} and $data and ref($data) =~ /array/iu and not @$data
2941 34 0 0 $file =~ m[/bad/]u and $rows
3063 0 5 5 $col and $col =~ /\A$filePrefix/su
3418 0 371 0 $r and $r eq $package
3428 0 371 0 $r and $r eq $package
3613 510 170 340 $s == 0 and $c =~ /\s/u
3660 736 0 8832 @a and @b
736 1104 7728 @a and @b and $a[0] eq $b[0]
3700 368 0 1113 not $java =~ /\n/su and -e $java
3773 2 1 10 @a and @b
3 2 8 @a and @b and not $a[0] cmp $b[0]
3776 2 1 2 @a and @b
4747 0 30 290 $scale and $scale == int $scale
4748 0 0 30 $scale and $scale != int $scale
4784 0 0 0 $lastSaveTime and $lastSaveTime->[0] > &Data::Table::Text::time() - $saveCodeEvery
4857 0 0 0 $user and $userid
0 0 0 $user and $userid and $user eq $userid
4860 0 0 0 $user and $user ne $userid
5090 3 30 0 $i and $l =~ /\A#!/u
5093 3 0 0 $0 =~ /\.pm\Z/iu and not $0 =~ /DataTableText/iu
5114 0 0 0 onAws() and my(@i) = &awsParallelSecondaryIpAddresses(%options)
5446 31456 31383 367 not $finish and $started == 1
62839 0 367 not $finish and $started == 1 and $t
5453 0 1462 61744 $N and $finished
5533 832 60821 62681 keys %{$starter->pids;} and my $p = waitpid(0, $select)
5780 282 0 0 @sizes == 0 and $results
5940 368 0 736 $t->start == $service->start and $t->service eq $service->service
368 0 736 $t->start == $service->start and $t->service eq $service->service and $t->file eq $t->file
6059 0 0 2412 $ref and $ref =~ /\S/su
6063 2412 0 0 $File && $file
6079 1072 0 0 $TopicId and $topicId =~ /\A(\s*|\.)\Z/u
6818 368 368 368 $N >= $minimumNumberOfLines and $nextLine =~ /\A$S }/u
6923 368 0 0 $synonymTarget{$target} and $synonymTarget{$target} ne $source
6938 736 8464 0 $level and $line =~ /\Asub\s*(\w+)\s*{.*}\s*#(\w*)\s+(.*)\Z/u
736 7728 736 $level and $line =~ /\Asub\b\s*(.*?)?(\s*:lvalue)?\s*#(\w*)\s+(.+?)\s*\Z/u
736 7728 0 $level and $line =~ /\A\s*genLValue(?:\w+?)Methods\s*\x28q(?:w|q)?\x28(\w+)\x29\x29;\s*#\s*(.+?)\s*\Z/u
6942 0 0 368 $level and $4
6989 368 368 0 $private and $replace || $Replace
6991 368 368 0 $static and $replace || $Replace
6993 736 0 0 $exported and $replace || $Replace
6995 736 0 0 $exported and $static
7087 0 0 736 $parmNames and $parmDescriptions
0 0 736 $parmNames and $parmDescriptions and not $parmDescriptions =~ /\A#/u
7299 0 0 736 $c and $t

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
158 804 0 eval { do { `$cmd 2>&1` } } // 'No such command'
318 1422 0 &fileSize($_) // 0
344 0 0 $m // 'undef'
364 368 0 (stat $file)[9] // 0
435 188756 0 defined $_ or confess("Missing file component\n")
550 536 5 $new // ''
1614 0 0 $Size // 256
1679 0 0 $Size // 256
2396 12880 3312 $string // ''
11408 4784 &max(map({length $_;} split(/\n/u, $string // '', 0))) // 0
2409 10304 5520 $width[$col] // 0
2420 12512 3312 $row->[$col] // ''
2430 11040 2576 $_ // []
4784 368 &max(map({scalar @{$_ // [];};} @row)) // 0
2442 0 1840 $separator // "\n"
2454 209597 7414 $row->[$col] // ''
2456 165417 49754 $width[$col] // 0
2467 200397 4102 $row->[$col] // ''
2712 738 2573 $head // ''
2789 2948 0 $Data::Table::Text::a->[1] // ''
2948 0 $Data::Table::Text::b->[1] // ''
2862 46 0 $text // ''
2881 94 0 $_ // ''
2911 0 17 $columns //= 1
3156 0 0 $_[0]{'aa'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'aa'} // ''
0 552 $_[0]{'bb'} // ''
0 561 $_[0]{'bb'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'cc'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'cc'} // ''
3186 371 371 $_[0]{'aa'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'bb'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'cc'} //= []
3196 371 371 $_[0]{'aa'} //= {}
0 0 $_[0]{'bb'} //= {}
0 0 $_[0]{'cc'} //= {}
3234 0 0 $_[0]{'a'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'a'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'aaa'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'aaa'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'aas'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'aas'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ab'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ab'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'alva'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'alva'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ami'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ami'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'apache'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'apache'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'appaapps'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'appaapps'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'aramco'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'aramco'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'arena'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'arena'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ascii'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ascii'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'autoRemoveTransferArea'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'avx'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'avx512'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'avx512'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'avx'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'aws'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'aws'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'awsami'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'awsami'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'awscli'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'awscli'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'awsforecast'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'awsforecast'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'azure'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'azure'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'b'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'b'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'backend'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'backend'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ban'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ban'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'bandwidth'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'bandwidth'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'bash'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'bash'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'bbb'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'bbb'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'binarysearch'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'binarysearch'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'bitterend'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'bitterend'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'blob'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'blob'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'boson'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'boson'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'browser'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'browser'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'bulktreeg'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'bulktreeg'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'button'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'button'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'c'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'c'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'c'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'camelCase'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'camelCase'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'certbot'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'certbot'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'cgi'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'cgi'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'chmod'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'chmod'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'chown'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'chown'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'cicd'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'cicd'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'cicero'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'cicero'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'cl'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'cl'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'cm'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'cm'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'co2'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'co2'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'code'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'code'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'codementor'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'codementor'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'commandline'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'commandline'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'comment'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'comment'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'computer'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'computer'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'concept'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'concept'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'confess'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'confess'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'conref'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'conref'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'cookie'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'cookie'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'corpus'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'corpus'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'coverage'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'coverage'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'cpan'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'cpan'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'cpu'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'cpu'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'css'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'css'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'csv'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'csv'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'curl'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'curl'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'cv'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'cv'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dataStructure'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dataStructure'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'db2'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'db2'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dbi'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dbi'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dd'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dd'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ddg'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ddg'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ddt'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ddt'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dependencies'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dependencies'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dex'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dex'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dexl'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dexl'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dexr'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dexr'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dexx'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dexx'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dfa'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dfa'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dhahran'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dhahran'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'die'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'die'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'diff'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'diff'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'diospiros'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'diospiros'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'diskdrive'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'diskdrive'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dita'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dita'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ditaot'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ditaot'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'divtag'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'divtag'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dns'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dns'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'docbook'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'docbook'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'docker'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'docker'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'documentation'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'documentation'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dom'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dom'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'domain'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'domain'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dtd'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dtd'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dtt'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dtt'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'dttg'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'dttg'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ec2'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ec2Console'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ec2Console'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ec2'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'eff'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'eff'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'electrons'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'electrons'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'english'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'english'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'eval'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'eval'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'extensions'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'extensions'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'fail'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'fail'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'file'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'file'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'file'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'fileutility'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'fileutility'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'find'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'find'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'foehn'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'foehn'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'folder'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'folder'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'fork'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'fork'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'frontend'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'frontend'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'fsf'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'fsf'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'fusion'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'fusion'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'future'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'future'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'gbstandard'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'gbstandard'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'gdpr'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'gdpr'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'geany'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'geany'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ghc'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ghc'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ghe'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ghe'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'gigabit'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'gigabit'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'gigabyte'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'gigabyte'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'gitHub'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'gitHubAction'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'gitHubAction'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'gitHubCrud'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'gitHubCrud'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'gitHubDP'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'gitHubDP'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'gitHub'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'github'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'github'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'githubaction'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'githubaction'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'githubdp'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'githubdp'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'gmt'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'gmt'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'gnufdl'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'gnufdl'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'gowest'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'gowest'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'grep'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'grep'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'gui'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'gui'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'guid'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'guid'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'gunzip'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'gunzip'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'gzip'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'gzip'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'hacker'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'hacker'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'heapsLaw'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'heapsLaw'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'help'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'help'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'hexadecimal'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'hexadecimal'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'hipaa'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'hipaa'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'hpe'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'hpe'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'html'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'html'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'htmltable'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'htmltable'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'http'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'http'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'https'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'https'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'hxnormalize'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'hxnormalize'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ibm'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ibm'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'iconv'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'iconv'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ide'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ide'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ietf'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ietf'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'imagemagick'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'imagemagick'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'infix'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'infix'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'install'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'install'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'intelsde'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'intelsde'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'internet'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'internet'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ip'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ip6'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ip6'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ip'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ipaddress'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ipaddress'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'java'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'java'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'javascript'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'javascript'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'jet'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'jet'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'jetni'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'jetni'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'jpg'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'jpg'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'json'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'json'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'keyboard'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'keyboard'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'killarney'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'killarney'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'kubuntu'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'kubuntu'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'laser'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'laser'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'learningCurve'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'learningCurve'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'libpq'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'libpq'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'libreoffice'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'libreoffice'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'lint'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'lint'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'linting'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'linting'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'linux'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'linux'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'liseMeitner'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'liseMeitner'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'lisp'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'lisp'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'list'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'list'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'log'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'log'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'lunchclub'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'lunchclub'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'lvaluemethod'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'lvaluemethod'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'maximumNumberOfProcesses'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'maze'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'maze'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'md'} //= []
447444 0 $_[0]{'md5'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'md5'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'md'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'mdnfetch'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'mdnfetch'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'meme'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'meme'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'memory'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'memory'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'mentor'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'mentor'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'metadata'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'metadata'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'mfa'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'mfa'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'mideast'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'mideast'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'minimalism'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'minimalism'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'mod_shib'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'mod_shib'} // ''
3177723 0 $_[0]{'module'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'module'} // ''
3126281 0 $_[0]{'mopc'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'mopc'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'murphyslaw'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'murphyslaw'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'mvp'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'mvp'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'mysql'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'mysqlMan'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'mysqlMan'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'mysql'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'nasm'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'nasm'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'nasmx86'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'nasmx86'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'nfa'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'nfa'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ni'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ni'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'nodejs'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'nodejs'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'oauth'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'oauth'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'oneliner'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'oneliner'} // ''
63513 0 $_[0]{'openoffice'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'openoffice'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'openssl'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'openssl'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'othermeta'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'othermeta'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'oxygenformat'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'oxygenformat'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'oxygenworkshop'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'oxygenworkshop'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'pairprogram'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'pairprogram'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'pairprograming'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'pairprograming'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'parkinson'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'parkinson'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'parse'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'parse'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'pcd'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'pcdInstall'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'pcdInstall'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'pcdLang'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'pcdLang'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'pcd'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'pdf'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'pdf'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'people'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'people'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'perl'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'perl'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'perlal'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'perlal'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'pg'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'pg'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'philCpan'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'philCpan'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'photoApp'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'photoApp'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'php'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'php'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'pi'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'pi'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'pids'} //= {}
0 0 $_[0]{'pids'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'pl'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'pl'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'plasma'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'plasma'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'pli'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'pli'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'pod'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'pod'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'poppler'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'poppler'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'portugal'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'portugal'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'postgres'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'postgres'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'prb'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'prb'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'preprocessor'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'preprocessor'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'process'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'processFinishTime'} //= {}
0 0 $_[0]{'processFinishTime'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'processStartTime'} //= {}
0 0 $_[0]{'processStartTime'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'process'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'processingLogFileHandle'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'processingLogFile'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'processingTitle'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'procfs'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'procfs'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'program'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'program'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'python'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'python'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'quicksort'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'quicksort'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'r53'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'r53'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'rackspace'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'rackspace'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'recursive'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'recursive'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'recursively'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'recursively'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'relocatable'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'relocatable'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'resultsArray'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'resultsArray'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'rfp'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'rfp'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'riyadh'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'riyadh'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'rrr'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'rrr'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'rsa'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'rsa'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'rsync'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'rsync'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'s3'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'s390'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'s390'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'s3Console'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'s3Console'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'s3'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'saml'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'saml'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'samltest'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'samltest'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'samltools'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'samltools'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'sas'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'sas'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'securityGroup'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'securityGroup'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'selfaware'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'selfaware'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'server'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'server'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'service'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'sevenZ'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'sevenZ'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'sha'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'sha'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'shell'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'shell'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'shib'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'shib'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'simd'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'simd'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'smartmatch'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'smartmatch'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'snake_case'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'snake_case'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'sow'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'sow'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'spot'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'spot'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'spreedsheet'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'spreedsheet'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'sql'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'sql'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'squareroot'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'squareroot'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ssh'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ssh'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ssxr'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ssxr'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'startTime'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'start'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'stderr'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'stderr'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'stdin'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'stdin'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'stdout'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'stdout'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'step'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'step'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'steps'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'steps'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'stopwords'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'stopwords'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'storable'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'storable'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'sub'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'sub'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'substeps'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'substeps'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'sws'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'sws'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'ta'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'ta'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'tab'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'tab'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'table'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'table'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'taocp'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'taocp'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'task'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'task'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'tcl'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'tcl'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'tdd'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'tdd'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'test'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'test'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'textmatch'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'textmatch'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'thp'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'thp'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'tls'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'tls'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'totalToBeStarted'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'transamerica'} //= []
0 0 $_[0]{'transamerica'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'transferArea'} // ''
0 0 $_[0]{'tree'} //= []
3545 371 1484 $padding //= ' '
3556 371 1484 $padding //= ' '
3567 371 1484 $padding //= ' '
4441 0 0 $options{'region'} // ''
4798 0 0 $S3Parms // ''
4812 0 0 $saveIntervalInSeconds //= 1200
4901 0 0 $Options // ''
5108 0 0 $userData //= {}
5199 0 0 &awsCurrentIp || 'localHost'
5221 0 0 $x->{'merge'} // 0
5418 1193 0 $maximumNumberOfProcesses // 8
5439 63206 0 $starter->processingTitle // ''
5442 63206 0 $starter->maximumNumberOfProcesses // 1
5475 2927544 0 $starter->processFinishTime->{$finish} // 0
5476 2927544 0 $starter->processStartTime->{$finish} // 0
5479 62012 0 keys %{$starter->processFinishTime;} || 1
5582 268 0 $starter->processingTitle // ''
5784 0 0 $results // sub { @_; }
5847 0 0 $options //= ''
5886 0 0 $options //= ''
6063 1072 1340 $File || $file || ''
6074 0 536 $TopicId || ''
6078 536 536 $topicId || $TopicId || ''
6080 1072 0 $id ||= ''
6120 166 0 $@ // ''
6155 102 0 $@ // ''
6963 736 0 $flags //= ''
7026 736 0 $parmNames //= ''
736 0 $parmDescriptions //= ''
7183 0 0 $genHashs{$package}{$attribute} // ''
7184 0 0 $genHashFlags{$package}{$attribute} // ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
152 1608 0 0 $_ or confess("Missing command component\n")
168 0 0 0 $ip // &awsIp
181 0 0 0 not $_ or /\A\s*\Z/u
202 0 371 371 $R and not $returnCode && $R =~ /$returnCode/u or $success and not $r =~ /$success/su
616 1113 0 3607 $file =~ m[\/\Z]su or $file =~ /\.\.\Z/su
796 2176 34 68 not $ext or $d =~ /($ext)\Z/isu
899 0 0 3455 $noMsg or onWindows()
945 0 0 0 $ip // &awsIp
1050 0 0 0 $ip // &awsIp
1059 8268 4928 0 $file //= temporaryFile()
1096 907 368 0 $file //= temporaryFile()
1140 0 368 0 $file //= temporaryFile()
1202 2114 0 0 $file //= temporaryFile()
1313 0 1072 0 $options{'maximumLength'} // nameFromStringMaximumLength()
1338 0 268 0 $options{'maximumLength'} // nameFromStringMaximumLength()
1363 0 0 0 $Target // $source
1507 0 0 0 $ip // &awsIp
1518 0 0 0 $ip // &awsIp
1553 0 0 0 $ip // &awsIp
1564 0 0 0 $ip // &awsIp
1874 9936 3680 0 $translatePercentEncoding{$_} // $_
1885 6624 0 0 $TranslatePercentEncoding{$c} // $c
2322 882 21 525 $s <= $maxSize or not keys %$paths
2435 20240 16560 0 $row[$col][$r - 1] // ' ' x $width[$col]
2730 1878 736 697 $Title // &nws($H, 80)
2759 373 0 0 $a and not $h and not $o or $zero
2779 373 0 0 $a + $h + $o || $zero
3176 0 371 0 $_[0]{'aa'} //= $v
0 0 0 $_[0]{'bb'} //= $v
0 0 0 $_[0]{'cc'} //= $v
3576 11079 3877 368 not $length or length $string < $length
4401 0 0 0 $options{'instanceId'} // awsCurrentInstanceId()
4413 0 0 0 $options{'region'} // awsCurrentRegion()
4560 0 0 0 $h{$i} // $p
4746 162 158 0 $numberOfCpus //= getNumberOfCpus()
4851 0 0 0 $hostName //= &trim(scalar `hostname`)
4859 0 0 0 $userid //= &trim(scalar `whoami`)
5112 0 0 0 $options{'region'} //= awsCurrentRegion()
5367 0 0 0 $d =~ /ERROR 404: Not Found/su or not -e $z
0 0 0 $d =~ /ERROR 404: Not Found/su or not -e $z or &fileSize($z) < 100
5927 736 0 0 $file ||= &fpe($ENV{'HOME'}, ('.config', 'com.appaapps', 'services'), $service, 'txt')
6708 1 0 0 $file // $0
6721 368 0 0 $perlModule //= $0
6989 0 0 368 $replace || $Replace
6991 0 0 368 $replace || $Replace
6993 0 0 0 $replace || $Replace
7285 368 0 0 $comment{$target} // confess("No comment for $target\n")