Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 28 67.8

line true false branch
45 687 1797 if @_
54 253 434 if ($self->this_line and length($self->this_line) + length($o) > 60 or $o =~ /^\(/) { }
59 242 11 if ($self->indent_txt) { }
68 253 181 if ($o =~ /^\)/)
80 2 251 unless (defined $ev)
84 0 253 if ($self->use_color) { }
98 0 253 if ($ev and $popped ne $ev)
101 0 253 if ($self->use_color) { }
108 11 242 unless (@$stack)
117 0 170 if ($self->use_color) { }
118 0 0 if (not defined $body) { }
0 0 elsif ($body eq '0') { }
140 2 168 unless defined $w
141 0 168 if $w eq '0'