Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 32 33 96.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
305 27 106 180 defined $init and not $$self{'DATA'}
595 2 1 1 $self->auto_array && _number($path[0])
632 19 16 3 $self->replace_leaf and not _valid_root($child)
650 1 4 1 $self->auto_array and _number($path[0])
660 8 3 3 $self->auto_array and _number($path[0])
787 13 238 178 $key and _arrayref($key)
790 2 14 417 defined $_ and not ref $_
16 14 403 defined $_ and not ref $_ and $_ ne ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
335 350 294 389 _arrayref($root) || _hashref($root)
370 42 7 758 not exists $$self{$key} or $key eq 'DATA'
632 19 0 38 not $child or $self->replace_leaf and not _valid_root($child)