Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 35 52 67.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
265 36 0 0 &Scalar::Util::blessed($handle) and $handle->can('print')
401 29 1 3 $blessed and $reftype ne 'REGEXP'
29 0 1 $reftype eq 'CODE' and $self->with_deparse
2 3 3 $reftype ne 'ARRAY' and $reftype ne 'HASH'
5 1 2 $reftype ne 'ARRAY' and $reftype ne 'HASH' and $reftype ne 'SCALAR'
4 1 1 $reftype ne 'ARRAY' and $reftype ne 'HASH' and $reftype ne 'SCALAR' and $reftype ne 'REF'
457 21 12 0 $refaddr and $self->with_address
490 29 4 0 $blessed and $self->with_methods
493 0 0 0 defined $expanded and &reftype($expanded) eq 'ARRAY'
557 155 1 19 $what eq 'string' and not &looks_like_number($desc)
589 1 0 0 is_os_type('Windows') and not $_HAVE_Win32__Console__ANSI

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
327 5 30 &Scalar::Util::blessed($item) // ''
328 14 21 &reftype($item) // ''
483 26 0 $a // ''
26 0 $b // ''
491 0 0 $rc //= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
346 6 26 2 $currentReftypePerLevel eq 'ARRAY' or $currentReftypePerLevel eq 'HASH'
401 21 0 8 not $reftype or $reftype ne 'ARRAY' and $reftype ne 'HASH' and $reftype ne 'SCALAR' and $reftype ne 'REF'
474 35 0 0 not $max_depth = $self->max_depth or $currentLevel < $max_depth